Cherise, Virginia Slims, and Tennis, Part 3

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Cherise, Virginia Slims, and Tennis
Part 3

Cherise had a session with her coach and some other tennis players at the 
multi-purpose center the following morning at 10. She woke up around 8:30, a 
little groggy due to her middle of the night smoking adventure. No one was at 
home at the time, as Carrie was gone again and her mom was at work. For a 
fleeting moment, she thought about having another cigarette, but she let it 
pass. She had to get prepared to play tennis. 
The tennis session went as usual. Cherise held her own and had obviously 
passed the other girls that would be on her eighth grade team the coming 
school year. School would be starting in about a month, and actual practices 
would begin in two weeks. The sessions were beginning to get more intense, 
and the girls would not only strive to get better, but each one secretly 
wanted to be the best player. The coach, a lady the girls called Mrs. 
Gourley, was starting to favor Cherise a bit more than the other girls. It 
was no secret anymore that Cherise would open the season at number one 
singles, facing the other team's best player. Some of the girls were starting 
to become a little resentful of Cherise, but Cherise seemed oblivious to 
this. She continued to be cordial and friendly to the other girls, except 
when she played them at tennis. Her competitiveness really came out when she 
played in a match. It was almost contrary to what most people saw in her. She 
showed a lot of poise on the court, seldom outwardly getting frustrated or 
angry when she made a mistake. Some of the other girls would outwardly get 
frustrated, however, and this was another reason that Mrs. Gourley seemed to 
favor Cherise. As is human nature, the more people separate themselves from 
the rest of the pack, the more resentful the others become. The other girls 
began talking bad about Cherise behind her back, calling her a brown-noser 
and a goody-goody and an ass-kisser, among other unflattering things. They 
knew deep down that Cherise was a better player than they were, and that she 
carried herself better on the court. If Cherise would show that she had some 
sort of flaw maybe they would root for her rather than against her. She was 
also more attractive than the others, although the girls on the tennis team 
were not ugly by any means. Cherise would slowly began to pick up on the 
resentfulness of the other players in the near future'¦
That night, Cherise waited till Carrie and her mom had gone to bed, and once 
again her body became aroused and excited at the prospect of having a 
cigarette. At around midnight, she went downstairs once again with her 
Virginia Slims Menthol Lights and her matches, grabbed the ashtray, and sat 
on the floor and lit up. The smoke enveloped the inside of her mouth, and she 
exhaled. She felt the nicotine rush fill her body with euphoria. She closed 
her eyes and leaned back, her left arm and hand supporting her torso as she 
held the lit cigarette in her right hand. Something was bothering her, but 
she could not figure out what it was. Her life had been good, she had always 
gotten along well with her peers and teachers, but somehow, somewhere, she 
was getting bad vibes. She took another drag as she thought of this, and the 
bad feelings were washed away by the dizzying and calming effect of the 
mentholated smoke. She was still unable to inhale a lot of smoke, but at 
least she was not coughing like she did the night before. Any bad feelings 
Cherise was having were washed away as she concentrated on how her cigarette 
was making her feel, and as she watched the smoke drift from her cigarette 
and her mouth. She noticed as she was able to inhale more smoke, her exhales 
would take longer. The smoke was taking longer to exit her body because it 
wasn't entirely confined to her mouth, but was edging its way down her 
throat. She seemed to enjoy this cigarette more than the one last night, 
although it surely was leaving her just as dizzy and making her stomach a bit 
queasy. She finished the cigarette and stubbed it out. Momentarily she 
thought about lighting up another one, but although her mind and soul felt 
good, her young and pure body was still adjusting to this new drug. She went 
back upstairs, looking forward to sleeping in the nest morning'¦
The next morning, Cherise woke up around 9. She got up and went to the 
kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. No one was home. She had no idea 
where Carrie was, except that she had been spending a lot of time at her 
friend Mandy's house three houses down. The room still smelled of her mom's 
morning cigarettes. She thought of the times that she had watched her mom 
smoke her morning cigarettes with her coffee. Once again a rush of excitement 
came over Cherise. She was going to smoke a morning cigarette just like her 
mom does! She ran into her bedroom and retrieved her smokes and her matches. 
Returning to the kitchen, she sat in her mom's normal chair, a butt-filled 
ashtray already provided on the table. She placed a mentholated smoke in her 
sweet little lips and fired it up. She subconsciously thought of her moms' 
posture whenever she sat at the table and smoked. She placed her right elbow 
on the table, placed her fingers near the tip of the cigarette filter. She 
felt so adult-like at that moment. She took a drag off of the cigarette. She 
forgot that she was not her mom, as she took a long deep drag on the Virginia 
Slim and had a bit of a coughing fit. She had inhaled all of the smoke into 
her lungs, and coughed it out. She had a tremendous rush at that moment, 
bigger than any that she had ever had before. Her heart beat rapidly and her 
fingers shook as she held her cigarette. Wow, she thought to herself. The 
rush was so numbing that she had to place her head down on the table for a 
few seconds, and after the initial shock of so much nicotine jolting her body 
at one time, she proceeded to smoke the cigarette. She took shorter drags and 
was able to inhale much better now. Her body endured a pleasurable, tingling 
sensation that she had never felt before as she introduced more smoke down 
into her pink lungs. She really enjoyed how she was feeling, enjoyed smoking, 
enjoyed the moment at hand. She noticed that is she closed her mouth more on 
her exhales, smoke would emerge from her nostrils. She also noticed that she 
was getting a little closer to exhaling a plume of smoke like her mom and 
other smokers could do. She smoked the cigarette all the way down to the 
filter, and pressed it out into the ashtray. Getting up from the chair to 
return her smokes and matches to her hiding place, she was slightly dizzy and 
had to hold herself up against the table. She went into her bedroom and lied 
on her bed. She thought about the experiences she was having with smoking. 
She was somewhat in shock that she was actually doing it and enjoying it. It 
made her aroused and excited just thinking about herself smoking. She thought 
of the image of herself she had seen as she looked into her mirror with the 
unlit cigarette a couple of days ago, thought of the smoke drifting from her 
cigarette that first night, thought of watching the flame glow as she took 
drags, and she thought of the smoke exiting from her mouth and nose just a 
few minutes ago. She seemed to be reassuring herself with these thoughts that 
she indeed was smoking.
    Cherise got up from her bed, showered, got dressed, and began to brush 
her damp, long sandy blonde hair. Looking at herself in the mirror, she 
realized that she wanted to see what she looked like when she smoked! She 
rushed to get her smokes and went into the kitchen to retrieve the ashtray 
from the table. Once again she felt a rush of excitement and arousal as she 
returned to the bathroom, shut the door and locked it, and looked at herself 
in the mirror as she pulled out another pleasure rod from her Virginia Slims 
pack. She watched with some embarrassment and a sheepish grin on her face as 
she placed the cigarette between her lips and prepared to light it. She was 
so glad no one could watch her as this moment. She lit the cigarette, 
discarded the match into the ashtray, and took an easy toke, watching herself 
the whole time. She noticed that she was getting really aroused as she 
watched herself smoke the long white cigarette. She placed her elbow on the 
counter-top and posed as she had before, holding the cigarette near her 
still-damp hair. She was inhaling and actually beginning to exhale some 
pretty nice plumes. Between her increasing arousal and the tingling 
sensations that were coming over her body, she had never felt so euphoric her 
whole life as she did at that moment! She could not believe how sexy and 
pleasurable she was feeling. Now she knew why those women in the Virginia 
Slims ads looked so happy. She knew why her mom liked smoking so much'¦ 
About halfway through her cigarette, Cherise could not take it anymore. Her 
body quivered and she moaned softly as her body erupted in pleasure. She had 
just experienced her first ever orgasm! All kinds of wonderful things were 
happening to her body. The room filled up with smoke from her cigarette as 
she continued to puff away. At that moment, Cherise fell in love with 
smoking. She knew that she was going to continue to smoke whenever she could. 
She would tell her mom eventually but right now was not the time. She also 
knew that she had to keep her consumption down if she was going to continue 
to play tennis. She took several more drags as she watched herself in the 
mirror, and put out the cigarette. The small bathroom was filled with smoke, 
so Cherise turned the fan on and opened the door to air the room out. Then 
she returned the ashtray to the table, and stashed her cigarettes once again.
    About three minutes later, her sister Carrie came home. The now ten year 
old had been at her friend Mandy's, where she had been spending a lot of time 
lately. Cherise did not think that Carrie would notice the smoky smell in the 
bathroom. Carrie was a little girl with similar features to Cherise. The main 
difference was that her eyes were brown and her hair was straight, but 
blonder than her older sisters' hair and she wore it only down to her 
shoulders. But she had the same winning, friendly smile and "nice girl"  look 
that Cherise had. She was just now beginning to reach the onset of puberty, 
although the physical effects had not noticeably set in yet. Cherise sat in 
the living room and greeted her sister as Carrie walked down the hallway to 
her room'¦
"Cherise, has mom been home this morning?", Carrie asked with a quizzical 
"Um, no, she hasn't been here since she left for work." Cherise replied.
"Then why does the hallway smell like her cigarette smoke?" 
Uh, oh, Cherise thought to herself. What was she supposed to tell her sister? 
She figured that it would be easier to tell her about it right away, that 
then she didn't have to worry about hiding it from her. The two had shared 
secrets before, and each had found the other to be trustworthy of the other. 
She knew that she couldn't lie to her sister, and the look on her face at 
that moment gave her away anyway.
"You mean you have been smoking?" Carrie exclaimed in surprise.
"Well, I did it for the first time just the other night. Carrie, please do 
not tell anyone. Especially do not tell Mom. I am going to tell her myself 
when the time is right. I already know she is not going to be mad at me for 
it. But you cannot tell her and you cannot tell anyone in this neighborhood 
or any of your friends. Can I trust you not to?"
Carrie looked at her sister, still shocked that her goody-two-shoes, jock 
sister would try anything as rebellious as smoking. "Yes, I promise. I 
promise I won't tell anyone. But I just can't believe that you would smoke!" 
"Well," Cherise drawled with a sheepish grin on her face, "To tell you the 
truth, sis, I am kinda surprised at myself. But'¦" Cherise had to stop herself 
from telling Carrie how smoking had made her felt. She knew the right thing 
to do would be to not influence Carrie to want to try it also'¦ "for right now 
it is just something I am trying, experimenting with is all." 
Carrie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Cherise, "Well, whatever'¦ But I 
promise you I won't tell anyone sis." At that, Carrie turned and walked away 
slowly, and went about her own business. She couldn't believe her sister. 
Smoking was something that Carrie was very indifferent about. She had never 
given smoking much thought, and had no strong feelings for or against 
smoking. She, in fact, had no interest at that time in trying smoking. 
That evening, as Courtney, Carrie, and Cherise sat around the dinner table, 
with Courtney having her after-dinner smokes and with the occasional knowing 
glance passed between the two sisters, Cherise wondered to herself how and 
when she was going to tell her mom about her smoking. Now would be too soon, 
because her mom would know that she had taken a pack from her carton. She 
also pondered what she would do if she smoked the whole pack. Would she be 
able to take another pack without her mom noticing? Maybe she wouldn't want 
to smoke anymore and there would be no need to tell her mom anything. 
Somehow, watching her mom smoking and remembering her earth-shaking 
experience earlier that day in the bathroom, she knew that she was going to 
find a way to continue to do it. She just didn't know how yet.

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