The Hong Girls, Part 2

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by uciboy


Michelle was in the lunch court staring towards the smokers in the
parking lot.  She saw Patty light up a long white cigarette as she waved for
Michelle to come over.  "I'm gonna smoke," Michelle said as her legs began
moving in the direction of her sister.  Patty, with a big smile, held out the
cigarette and Michelle took it between her fingers.  Bringing it up to her
lips, she took a long puff and inhaled it deeply, hearing the ringing of
church bells in the background.  She blew a cloud of smoke that engulfed the
entire body of her sister who said slowly, "Now you're a smoker."  The ringing
grew loader and in slow motion Michelle moved the cigarette towards her lips.
"I'm a smoker," she whispered and took a second puff even deeper than before.  


Michelle woke with a start from the ringing of the telephone.  Her panties
were wet.  She groaned as she turned over in bed and reached down to slowly
caress her clit.  "It's not fair," she whispered with a sigh.  "How come Patty
gets to smoke?"

As usual, she could smell the luscious smoke drifting through the house from
the kitchen where her mother read the morning newspaper.  But it was even
stronger this morning with Patty now home and smoking.  "I'm gonna go crazy if
I can't smoke," Michelle whispered under her breath as she slid her fingers
deep into her pussy.  With the images of her dream fresh in her mind, she
imagined she was smoking at the lunch court with her sister and friends.  With
the rhythm of her fingers intensifying, she took a deep breath and pretended
to blow out a cloud of smoke when suddenly her entire body tensed up in
orgasm.  She just barely muffled a whimper as she slowly brought her fingers
to a halt and sank deep underneath the covers.


"Yes, okay," Grace said into the phone.  "I'll stop by the office to pick-up
some papers before heading down to D.C.  Yeah, goodbye."

Patty sat at the table reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee as Grace
moved back to the sink to finish the morning dishes.  The two had already been
up for two hours - Grace because she had to prepare for a business trip down
to Washington, and Patty because she was an early riser.

Patty was just lighting her fourth cigarette of the day when her mom asked,
"So how much are you smoking, dear?"

"Well, it depends.  Normally, I suppose, I go through a pack.  But if I go out
with friends, or I'm really stressing about a test, maybe a pack and a half."

"It can get pretty expensive for a college student to smoke these days," her
mother said as she put a bowl into the cupboard.

"No shit!  I swear I'm gonna end up a Republican if these taxes keep going

"Bite your tongue, young lady!!" Grace walked over to the table and picked up
Patty's pack of Saratogas.  "Mind if I try one?"

"Be my guest," Patty said with a smile.  There was no better acceptance of
Patty as a smoker that Grace could offer than to ask her daughter for one of
her cigarettes.

Grace opened the flip top, pulled out a cigarette, and examined it before
putting it into her mouth.  "A 120.  I haven't had one of these in years."
Patty flicked her lighter and held it out to her Mom who leaned across the
table to touch the flame with the tip of the cigarette.  As the tip turned
bright orange, she exhaled a puff through her nose before taking a deep drag.
"Wow, menthols," she said, her words punctuated with smoke.  "These things 'll
kill you," and she walked back to the sink to finish the dishes, setting the
cigarette in the ashtray beside her.

As Patty's attention went back to the newspaper in front of her, Michelle had
gotten out of bed and was on her way to the bathroom when from the end of the
hall she saw her sister in the kitchen sitting at the table.  She crouched
down behind the hallway bookshelf and just watched Patty.  She was amazed at
the style of her sister's smoking:  the way she would slowly bring the
cigarette up to her lips, the orange glow, the ball of smoke which would
appear when she opened her mouth, then quickly disappear in one quick breath,
the slow exhale across the table.  "Wow!!! She can even do smoke-rings!"

Enthralled as she was at the site of her sister smoking, Michelle nearly
tipped the bookshelf over from the weight of her leaning on it.  Grace was
still at the sink and oblivious to the occurrence, but Patty caught a glimpse
of Michelle through the corner of her eye.  She knew what Michelle was doing
and so decided to torment her a bit.  She oughta enjoy this, Patty thought to
herself as she took a slow puff from her Saratoga and cocked her head back a
bit.  She closed her eyes and drew the creamy white smoke from her mouth up
into her nostrils, taking it in deeply and letting it float from her mouth as
she tilted her head forward.

Michelle stared as if she were hypnotized by the sight.  She stayed behind
that bookshelf until Patty French inhaled her last puff and crushed the
cigarette in the ashtray in front of her.  Michelle crawled backwards and went
into the bathroom.

When Grace had put the last of the dishes away she grabbed her cigarette off
the sink, some papers off the kitchen table, and went to take one last look in
the hallway mirror.  "Got a meeting with a Senator Sarbanes this afternoon
about that utility bankruptcy case in the news."  She paused to take a puff
before handing the Saratoga to Patty so she could touch up her make-up.  "I
told them I'd only stay one night since tomorrow is Christmas Eve."

Patty was always impressed with her mother's taste in clothes.  Today she was
wearing a Brooks Brothers charcoal-grey dress suit with a white silk blouse -
very conservative and professional.  Hard to believe her mother still called
herself a liberal.

"You must be the best dressed Asian in the firm," Patty said before sneaking a
puff off her mother's cigarette.

"Honey, I'm the only Asian in the firm."  Grace turned to pick up her
briefcase and overnight bag but stopped for a moment to look at Patty who
stood there smoking a cigarette.  Is this the shy little girl I sent off to
college 4 and half months ago, she thought to herself.  How grown up Patty was
now.  She gave her daughter a hug and said softly, "I'm so glad you're home,
honey.  I missed you."

"I missed you too, Mom," Patty said warmly.

"Okay, Gotta run.  Have fun with your sister today - and remember what we
talked about yesterday."

"Yeah, yeah - see you tomorrow," Patty said as she handed back the Saratoga to
her Mom.

A kiss on the cheek and Grace was out the door.  When Patty went back to the
kitchen table to finish reading the paper, she considered lighting a fifth
cigarette.  Before she could decide, she heard Michelle come out of the
bathroom and close her bedroom door.  

Patty reflected for a moment on the two goals she had during this vacation:
tell her mother that she was now a smoker, and get her anti-smoking sister to
start.  Telling her mother, she knew, would be relatively easy.  Afterall, she
never once as a child received a "Do as I say, not as I do" lecture in regards
to smoking.  But Michelle, she feared, could be more of a problem.  She and
Michelle both used to be pretty vocal about their anti-smoking views.  And if
Patty was going to have to stay at home for an entire month over the Christmas
break, she would have to drastically alter her sister's thinking so that she
could smoke in peace.  What a surprise, then, to see how badly Michelle wanted
to smoke!

She took a quick look inside her pack of cigarettes.  More than half full.
Okay little sister, she thought to herself, time for your first lesson.  She
picked up her Saratogas and a lighter and walked down the hall to Michelle's


Michelle was just getting dressed when Patty knocked on the door.  "Come on
in," she yelled from the closet.  

"Man, what happened to your room!  It's so...clean."  

"I just got tired of going through the ritual of searching for my school books
under CDs and dirty underwear," Michelle said.

Patty grabbed the desk chair and turned it towards the closet  where Michelle
was trying to grab a shirt that had fallen off a hanger.  Cigarettes in hand,
she took a seat.  "Mind if I smoke?"  Michelle froze and could feel the
butterflies begin to flutter in her stomach.  Oh God, am I finally gonna get
my chance?  Patty didn't wait for an answer but pulled out a cigarette and
grabbed a cup off the desk to use as an ashtray.  Michelle could hear the
click of the lighter and as she stepped out of the closet she saw her sister
slowly exhale a thin stream of smoke.

"So Michelle," Patty said with a wry smile, "it's time you and I had a little
sisterly chat."  She brought the cigarette up to her lips and took a deep
puff, the tip of her 120 shining brightly in the dimly lit room.  She opened
her mouth wide so that Michelle could see the ball of smoke before it
disappeared in a quick breath.  Michelle slowly walked towards the bed where
she took a seat, watching her sister's every move.  This is really cruel, she
thought to herself.

Patty would have no doubt agreed as she thought she'd torment her little
sister a bit, just to see if Michelle would ask for a cigarette.  "So how's
school goin'?"

"Fine," Michelle answered.  She couldn't avoid staring at the long cigarette
between her sister's fingers resting on her knee.

"You in any clubs this year?"  Another puff, this time exhaling right in
Michelle's direction.

Michelle tried to answer but started to think about her dream.  Now you're a
smoker...."Yeah, I'm in the math club...and uh"...Now you're a smoker....She
tried to regain her concentration.  "The, uh, Amerasian club."...Now you're a

Patty was thoroughly enjoying this and could barely keep from smiling as she
continued to exhale in her sister's direction.  Why didn't she just ask for a
cigarette, Patty wondered.

"So how you doin' in your classes?"  Michelle answered a quick 'okay,' and
Patty again brought the cigarette to her lips.  "Oh, did you want a

The question was so nonchalant that Michelle did a double-take.  Did she just
ask me if I wanted a cigarette?  "Yes, God, yes I want a cigarette!"  

The charade was over and Patty's face broke into a huge grin as she dropped
the butt into the cup. "Well why didn't you just ask for one?"

Michelle grabbed a pillow off the bed and began hitting her sister.  "Aiyah!!
You evil, evil sister!  Did you come home to torture me?"

Patty grabbed the pillow and sat down on the bed close to Michelle.  "Well,
give me an opportunity to redeem myself."  Patty reached for her pack and
pulled out one of her Saratogas and held it between the tips of her fingers.
The cigarette looked incredibly long to Michelle.  So classy, so
sophisticated.  The butterflies in Michelle's stomach now felt like eagles.
"Are you ready to smoke?" Patty asked.

Michelle took the cigarette between her fingers.  "I've been ready for a long
time," she whispered.

Patty took one out for herself, as well.  "Have you ever smoked before?"

"No, never.  Mom never leaves any cigarettes laying around and keeps her
cartons locked up in a chest in her room."

"Oh yeah," Patty reminisced.  "She started doing that after the American Heart
and Lung Association gave that anti-smoking presentation in school and we
burned her two cartons of Virginia Slims in the fire place.  What a waste!"
Both girls burst out laughing.

Patty then became serious.  "Okay, now listen to what I say so that this can
be as good an experience for you as possible.  When you touch your cigarette
with the flame, take a puff, but don't inhale at first.  Just blow it out.
You need to take it slow in getting your lungs used to the smoke.  You've been
breathing in second hand smoke for 14 years so this shouldn't be too much
trouble.  But go slow."

Michelle nodded and put the cigarette in her mouth, a signal that she was
ready to begin.  Patty lit her own first and then moved the flame towards

As Michelle took a puff she could feel the cigarette filling her mouth with
smoke.  The thought gave her a thrill and she moved her legs a bit as her
pussy started to moisten.  "Okay now," Patty said, "open your mouth and just
let the smoke float out."  Michelle did as she was told and watched a column
of smoke ascend upwards from between her lips.

"Wow..." was all she could say.  "Show me how to inhale."

"Not so fast little sister," Patty said.  "Just take another puff and enjoy
how it feels in your mouth."

Again, Michelle did as she was told but decided to take an even bigger puff
this time.  The tip flared a bright orange and the smoke made her mouth
tingle.  Michelle removed the cigarette from her lips as a stream of smoke
followed quickly behind.  "Good!" Patty exclaimed.  "Okay, you ready for the
big test?"

Michelle nodded as she took one more puff and blew the smoke quickly towards
the ceiling as she has watched her mother do so many times before.

Patty grabbed the cup off the desk.  "First flick some ash off the tip so
nothing falls in your lap."  Michelle gave the cigarette a tap but nothing
came off.  "No, silly, just give it a quick flick with your thumb, like this."
Patty showed her how and Michelle emulated her sister beautifully.

"Now when you take your next puff," Patty began, "keep it short and shallow.
Then open your mouth just a bit, and slowly breath in.  You'll probably want
to cough - it's a natural reflex at first - but try and control it."

Michelle put the cigarette to her lips, now a 1/4 smoked, and took a short
puff.  As she slowly inhaled, she felt a sensation like she had never felt
before - a cool and tingling feeling inside her chest as the smoke billowed
into her lungs - as if she had just inhaled a white, fluffy cloud.  The
sensation was both relaxing and exciting.  "Now just blow it out," Patty
instructed and Michelle exhaled a thin ray of smoke.  Patty put her own
cigarette in her mouth and began to clap at her sister's accomplishment.
Michelle had a grin from ear to ear.  She was actually smoking.

Before Patty could give further instructions, Michelle had the cigarette
between her lips for another try - a puff that was a little heavier, an inhale
that was a little deeper.  She cocked her head back and blew the smoke towards
the ceiling.  She was so proud of herself.  I'm actually smoking!

"Okay, girl, take it slow.  We don't want you throwin' up on the carpet."
Michelle was already beginning to feel pretty light headed by her fourth
inhale - but she didn't want to stop.  She had waited too long for this moment
and she continued to take puff after puff - experimenting with slow exhales
and nose exhales until there was nothing left of the Saratoga but a spent

"Can I have another one?"  

Patty could see the nicotine starting to affect her sister and decided to
reject the request, dropping her own cigarette in the cup.  "Maybe we better
hold off for a minute.  You may start to feel real queasy in a few moments and
then all our efforts here will be wasted."  

Michelle agreed.  Her stomach was already starting to feel a oozy and when she
stood up from the bed, her sister had to steady her.  "Wow, I guess you're

The aftertaste in Michelle's mouth did nothing to calm her stomach.  She
reached for a roll of breath mints on the desk and offered one to her sister.
"Thanks," Patty said.  "You'll want to keep a roll of these handy whenever you
go out."

"So sis, you were such an anti-smoker when you lived here.  How did you start

Patty leaned back a little, reaching for the cigarettes on the bed.  Just the
thought of how she started made her want another one.  "I don't know.  I
didn't really intend to start - I mean, not at first.  But everything is
different when you move away from home - new friends, new surroundings.

"I met up with these two girls - Jennifer and Ann - who were my neighbors in
the dorm.  And you know, they were the American Born Chinese type:  AP
students, attractive, they went to church on Sundays.  So I was shocked when I
saw them both smoking at a party one night.  And they were committed smokers -
not in denial smoking some generic or cheap light cigarette like you see with
some people.  One was smoking Virginia Slims 120s while the other had a pack
of Mores.  I mean, it didn't make sense - good girls weren't supposed to
smoke, right?  

"When they would ask if I wanted one, I'd say no thanks, and luckily they
didn't push me because I was still an anti-smoking Nazi back then and probably
would have stopped hanging around with them.  But I liked them - they were
really a lot of fun and they were always hanging around each other.  After a
week or so, their smoking really didn't bother me.  That's when I knew
something in me was changing."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'd go to these parties and they always had guys hanging around them.
In fact, it seemed that the guys were always paying attention more to the
girls who were smoking.   Now I might have been an anti-Smoker, but even I had
to admit that Jennifer and Ann looked good when they smoked.  And yet I was
amazed the way these two would just brush the guys off - because some of them
we're really gorgeous!  I began to wonder what would happen if I started
smoking.  You know, would these guys notice me?  I know, it's an insecurity
thing, but I really started to think that maybe I would look sexy with a

Michelle smiled.  She, of course, had been thinking the same thing lately.
Patty took a deep drag.  "You ready for another," she said, smoke punctuating
her words, and handed Michelle the pack.  Michelle examined the green package
outlined in silver.  "Your cigarettes are so cool," she said as she opened the
flip top and pulled out one of the slender cigarettes.  "Man, this is really

Patty offered her sister a light and Michelle leaned forward, perfectly
touching the flame with the tip of her 120.  She took a deep puff as she
slowly leaned back.  

"It's so sexy," Patty said, double-pumping a puff on her cigarette.  

Michelle inhaled her own puff deep into her lungs, and just slowly exhaled the
smoke from her nose.  She turned around to face the mirror on the desk and
watched herself smoke.  "You know it," she said with tremendous satisfaction.

Patty stood up and went over to her.  Watching her little sister admire
herself in the mirror, she whispered, "Shit, girl, you look good with a
cigarette.  It really suits you."

Michelle smiled and deeply inhaled another drag.  She started to feel like she
could float across the room if she willed it.  "So you still haven't told me
how you started smoking," she said to Patty.

"Oh man, the story gets weirder from here on out and will have to wait until
another time."  Patty dropped her Saratoga into the cup and took a look inside
her pack of cigarettes.  "Two left," she said.  "That's enough to get us to
the mall."

"What are we gonna do at the mall?" Michelle asked.

A mischievous grin appeared on Patty's face.  "I want to take you out and buy
you an early Christmas present.  Grab your purse and let's go."


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