Revenge, Part 4

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Smoking From All Sides ( Glamor - Pics | Female Celebrity Smoking List )
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This fictional account contains adult language and themes.  If such language
and themes offend you, please do not read further.  Copyright 2000 by
SSTORYMAN.  All rights reserved.  Permission is granted to reproduce this
story in any form and for any purpose as long as this notice is reproduced
and no financial remuneration is received, directly or indirectly, by the
person reproducing it  Thanks to AZ-MAN and STOGIE-MAN for their help and


4.	Pedal to the Metal.

   Larilyn got home at six thirty, carrying proofs of the lung association's
ad campaign.  She didn't want to spend hours on a conference call.  But it
was better than sitting in the meeting!

   There was a note taped to the refrigerator.  "Mom, went to Susan's.  Don't
be mad.  Have fun smoking without me!  Love, Andrea."  She sighed.  Even if
she couldn't see Ashley, she was glad Andrea could.  But in only a couple
weeks, she assured herself, I'll be seeing her, too.

   She took her cigarettes from her purse.  It'd be the first time she smoked
alone.  The idea of smoking by herself seemed odd, but in some ways strangely
pleasant, too.

   It'd been six hours since her last cigarette.  She put a Marlboro Menthol
between her lips.  At lunch Mitch wanted her to admit she liked smoking.  She
paused before lighting up.  How did she honestly feel?  She didn't know.  But
it was growing on her.  This time she was really looking forward to smoking.

   She clicked her lighter and ignited the cigarette.  Setting down the
lighter, she left the burning cylinder in her lips while exhaling a bit of
smoke out of the corner of her mouth, consciously mimicking Mitch's style.
As smoke swirled in front of her face, she took a longer drag, inhaled some
smoke and repeated the action by dragging a second time.  The voluminous
infusion of smoke felt enormously satisfying.  She removed the cigarette from
her mouth, leaned back in her chair and consciously held the smoke inside
longer than usual.  She'd told Mitch smoking was beguiling.  It sure is, she
sighed contentedly, releasing spurts of smoke from her mouth and nostrils

   She smoked that cigarette slowly and methodically.  It was her fifth of
the day and she enjoyed it immensely, though she felt guilty about it.  "I
have to do this, so it's not bad if I like it," she rationalized.  With her
next drag she inhaled deeply.  "I must convince Susan I'm a bona fide
smoker," she said aloud.  "Smoking this way is a necessary evil."  The
trouble was, it didn't feel like an evil at all.  It felt damn good!

   She had a light supper.  She'd been eating much less since she started
smoking.  "That's good," she assured herself.  "Another unexpected side

   Before calling Sandy Rogers at the lung association, she did some math.
She had to smoke five more that night.  Spacing her cigarettes forty-five
minutes apart, she'd finish at eleven fifteen.  A good plan, she decided.
But it didn't work out.

   The conference call started at seven and lasted an hour and a half.  She
was glued to the phone, the receiver at her ear, listening to Sandy and the
task-force drone on about the campaign.  At seven fifteen she was due for a
cigarette.  It was too awkward to smoke while on the phone.

   The call frustrated her.  The campaign was supposed to convince teens
smoking isn't cool, that smokers are losers.  She tried to explain why the
approach itself was a loser.  "Look, kids think smoking _is_ cool.  And once
they try it, it's pleasurable.  If they try it, they like it."

   Sandy was clearly annoyed.  "Well, what do you suggest in place of the
proposed theme?  How should we sell our position?"

   Larilyn was silent.  "I don't know," she stuttered impotently.  How do you
change the minds of teens who think smoking's cool?  She wasn't sure, given
her discussions with Andrea and her own experience.  She wanted to explain
that she understood why teens want to smoke.  But she couldn't, so she backed
off.  "The proposed campaign is fine," she acquiesced.

   At eight thirty the call ended.  She knew the campaign was doomed to fail.
Adding to her frustration was the fact that she still had to smoke five
cigarettes.  To finish at a reasonable hour, she had to have one every thirty
minutes the rest of the night.  She sighed and reached for her Marlboro
Menthol Lights 100's, put one in her mouth, and lit up.  As she inhaled she
felt thick, rich smoke flooding her lungs.  She smiled as she held it inside.
Yes, the problem with smoking is that it tastes so damn good!


   "God, I don't believe it," Susan exclaimed.  "This is perfect!"

   "It is," Andrea agreed.  "Mom's smoking on a regular schedule.  By
tomorrow she'll be up to eleven a day.  She has two each morning before work
and smokes again at dinner and all evening.  I encouraged her to find a way
to smoke a couple at lunch, too.  I told her it'll be easier to meet her
quota if she has a couple during the day."

   Kate smiled.  "Smoking at lunch will do something else.  She'll be used to
having nicotine continuously present in her system.  Keeping a constant level
of nicotine in her bloodstream will make it much harder for her to quit

   They were in Susan's living room.  Each of the women had a lit cigarette
in her hand.  Ashley was nearby in an infant seat.

   Andrea looked at her co-conspirators.  "So, you two planned all this from
the start?"

   "We did," Kate laughed.  "And I'm so glad.  I like Larilyn, but she's
wound so damn tight!  If we can get her to smoke like the rest of us," she
held her cigarette in the air, "she'll be much more pleasant to be around."

   Susan nodded.  "Mom has to smoke every day for almost three weeks to get
done by the 16th.  By then she'll be completely hooked.  She won't be able to
stop."  She laughed wickedly.  "It'll be much worse than her teenage smoking

   "And you're sure it'll work?" Andrea asked.

   "It should," Kate replied.  "She almost got hooked as a teenager.  It'll
be worse smoking an entire carton in three weeks."  She, too, laughed.  "God,
I can't wait to see her smoke.  It'll be amazingly cool!"

   Susan smiled.  "Andrea, she's planning on coming over by the 16th for her

   The teenager nodded.  "That's the plan.  The 16th is a Sunday.  She's
determined to pass your audition and attend Ashley's party that night."  She
paused for a drag on her Salem.  "In the meantime, I'm having a great time
smoking with her."  She laughed, exhaling a stream of smoke.

   "She's got the same genes you and your sister have, Andrea," Kate said
authoritatively, glancing at Susan, too.  "If you both respond to nicotine
that way, she will, too.  It'll work.  I'll see if I can get together with
her soon.  Shit, I can't wait to see it myself!  I'm so pleased."

   "You guys are deliciously evil," Andrea giggled.  "But I love it!"

   "In the end she'll thank us," Kate predicted.  "I believe that.  It'll be
so much fun when she joins us as a full-fledged smoker.  I can't wait."

   Susan nodded after dragging on her Kool.  "Even if she does manage to
quit, she'll still never be as negative about smoking.  Keep encouraging her,
Andrea.  And keep us up to date on what's happening."

   "Don't worry," the red-headed teenager smiled, reaching for another
cigarette.  "I will!"


   Smoking two an hour wasn't as hard as Larilyn thought.  She fell into a
rhythm.  Every thirty minutes she lit another one, sitting in her favorite
chair in the family room with a book and a glass of wine, and a favorite
Kenny G disc on in the background.  With an ashtray beside her, she
faithfully followed her smoking schedule and frankly enjoyed it.

   Andrea got home at ten twenty.  She smelled smoke in the air and saw the
ashtray by the chair.  "Good Mom!" she exclaimed.  "You're doing your duty!"

   "Yes, I am," she smiled lethargically.  "How's Ashley?"  There was a
sadness in her voice, which Andrea immediately picked up on.

   "Oh, she's fine," Andrea grinned, throwing her coat on the floor and
plopping on the sofa.  "She's different every week.  Babies change so fast!
I'm glad you get to see her again soon."

   "Me, too.  She's why I'm doing this," she added, with a reference to the
cigarettes on the table.  "But she's worth it."

   "She sure is," Andrea nodded.  "And you're doing great.  Good work!"  She
looked momentarily at the magazines on the coffee table.  "What else did you
do tonight?"

   Andrea usually wasn't interested in her activities.  Larilyn was pleased.
"I had a meeting at the lung association.  I told 'em I couldn't attend.  I
didn't say why," she added dryly.  "I spent an hour and a half on the damn
phone with them."

   "God!  Did you smoke while you talked?" Andrea giggled.

   "No!  It would've been too weird.  But it was odd talking about the new ad
campaign knowing that when we hung up I'd have a cigarette."  There was
poignant irony in her voice.

   "It must be strange to see things from a smoker's point of view for the
first time."

   "It is," Larilyn agreed.  "You know, I don't think those people understand
why people smoke.  The ad campaign themes sounded so … I don't know … so

   "Most of 'em are lame.  You haven't said how you feel about smoking so
far, Mom.  Are you as unhappy as you thought you'd be?"

   Larilyn frowned.  She didn't want to answer.  "I understand why smokers
find it so pleasant," she equivocated.  "But the health thing is still my
issue.  I'm freaked out by what I'm doing to my body, and what you're doing
to yours."  She glanced at her watch.  "Oh, shit.  It's past time."  She
shook a cigarette from her box of Marlboro Menthol Lights 100's.  "I opened a
new pack," she smiled.  "I'm ten percent done!"

   Andrea got out her cigarettes, too.  "And you're doing great."  She put a
Salem in her mouth and lit up as her mom did.  "Smoking is so social," she
sighed happily, thrusting her lower lip out and exhaling smoke in front of
her face.  "I smoke with Brittany every day after school.  Tonight I smoked
with Susan.  Now I'm smoking with you.  Smoking with friends is just fun."

   "I'm glad you think of me as a friend."  She, too, exhaled a cloud of
smoke.  "I know what you mean.  It was weird smoking alone.  I prefer sharing
the experience."  She took another drag.  "Did I mention I had lunch with
Mitch Simpson today?"

   "No.  Who's he?"

   "Oh, just a VP from our office who smokes."

   "So you smoked with him?"  Andrea sounded excited.

   "Yeah, I did," she said with obvious pride.  "I told Mitch about having to
smoke to get into Susan's good graces.  Mitch is a divorced guy who's asked
me out a few times.  I never gave him the time of day.  But I think he's
interested in me," she added, a little embarrassed.

   "Wow, that's cool," Andrea gushed.  "So, how was it smoking at lunch?"

   "Oh, it was fine," she answered blandly.  "We went to a little pub a few
blocks from the office where no one would see us.  I was embarrassed, but
Mitch was very nice.  I felt more comfortable than I expected."  She paused
for another hit and pulled the smoke deep inside.  "He says I already smoke
like a pro."  She proudly pursed her lips and exhaled a tight, thin stream of
blue-gray smoke.

   "You _do_ smoke like a pro," Andrea agreed.  "I'm glad Mitch encouraged
you.  So, tell me.  Are you going to see more of this guy?"

   Larilyn blushed.  "We're having lunch again tomorrow.  But we're just
friends."  She nervously returned her cigarette to her lips for another puff.

   Andrea giggled.  "Sure you are," she sarcastically replied.  "Mom, I see
it on your face.  You _like_ this Mitch guy.  Be honest.  Don't you?"

   "Yes," she admitted, with smoke escaping her mouth.  "It's funny.  I was
never interested in him because he smoked.  But at lunch today, it didn't
bother me."  She laughed.  "Of course, maybe that was because I was smoking,

   "Could be," Andrea nodded.  "God, Mom, I'd love to see you get involved
with someone.  It's been a long time since you've had a boyfriend.  What is
it?  Five or six years?"

   Larilyn frowned.  "I've been out with men more recently than that," she
answered defensively.  "But you're right.  I haven't had a serious
relationship in a long time."  She turned red.  "He thinks I'm very

   "You _are_ attractive, Mom.  I've said that for years.  You have lots of
assets when you aren't bitching about smoking," she added with a grin.
"You're pretty, you're a blond, you have a nice looking figure, you're smart,
and you're single and unattached.  What's not to like?  You should go out
with him when he asks."

   "Well, he hasn't asked me," she countered.  "At least, he hasn't yet."

   "He will," her daughter predicted.  "Will you go out with him if he does?"

   "Yeah, I think so, and that surprises me.  I never thought I could stand
going out with a smoker.  But now it doesn't seem like a big deal."  She took
a final drag and crushed her cigarette in the ashtray.  "One more to go," she
went on.  "I'll smoke it at eleven o'clock."  Twin bursts of smoke flared
from her nostrils.  "Then I'm done today."  She paused.  "Yeah, I'd go out
with him.  He's a charmer.  He's tall, well built and handsome."  She
laughed.  "But it hasn't happened yet.  I'm probably dreaming.  Hell, he's
gone out with lots of young girls much prettier than me."

   "Don't kid yourself.  If he has any sense, Mom, he'll make a move on you
right away."

   Larilyn blushed again.  "That's nice of you to say, Andrea.  There is one
thing.  Mitch seems pretty committed to his smoking habit.  He went out a
couple times with my assistant, Brianna.  It turns out Brianna smokes.  In
fact, all the other women in the office he's dated smoke.  They're all
smokers.  I hope Mitch won't hold it against me that I'm not a smoker."

   Andrea shook her head.  "He already asked you out once.  He knew you
didn't smoke then."  She flashed a mischievous smile.  "Mom, don't sell
yourself short.  You _look_ like a smoker right now."

   "But I won't keep smoking once I pass Susan's stupid test.  Long term, I'm
not a smoker."

   "Don't be so sure," Andrea cautioned.  "It gets under your skin.  You
admit you like the pleasure of smoking.  Maybe you'll decide you don't want
to stop.  Have you considered that?"

   "No, this is merely a short-term arrangement.  I have no intention of
continuing once Susan gives me the green light to see Ashley."  She frowned.
"She says I have to smoke a cigarette with her each time I come over, like an
admission fee to see Ashley.  But I can't believe she'd enforce that.  Even
if she does, it won't make me a smoker.  I can have a cigarette each time I
visit and not be a smoker."

   Andrea shrugged.  "Whatever.  I'm just saying you should keep an open
mind.  You may feel differently after you finish that carton of cigarettes.
I think that's what Susan's hoping."

   "Well, then, Susan will be disappointed.  But none of it affects whether I
start seeing Mitch.  It'll be interesting to see how that develops."

   "It will," Andrea agreed.  "It'll be very interesting."


   The next day was Friday.  Larilyn slept through her alarm and woke half an
hour late.  She and Andrea truncated their morning routine to get ready as
fast as possible.  It was her first day to smoke eleven cigarettes, so she
dutifully had one with her coffee and then hurriedly had a second one after
Andrea left for school.  She had to get ready quickly, but she picked one of
her sexiest dresses to wear.  Fridays were dress-down days, but she wanted to
look hot for her lunch with Mitch.  She giggled lasciviously as she admired
herself in the mirror.  Gathering her stuff, she bolted for her car and flew
down the freeway to the office.

   She'd decided to talk with her assistant about smoking.  If she put the
fear of God in her, Brianna would keep her mouth shut.  Telling her was a
contingency plan.  Mitch wasn't always available for lunch, and Larilyn
didn't like the idea of eating alone at Mitch's bar.  Brianna was a good and
safe alternative.  Learning from Mitch that she smoked would prove very

   She called Brianna into her office and closed the door.  Brianna was 25,
short, petite and perky, with jet-black curly hair, big round glasses and a
sparkling face.  She was busty and well-endowed, like all the other girls in
the office Mitch had dated.  Larilyn felt a bit intimidated competing with
Brianna.  But Mitch said he had no interest in seeing her again.  She briefly
explained the situation to Brianna as she'd done with Mitch.  Her assistant
was flabbergasted.

   "Oh, my God," she laughed hysterically.  "I don't believe it.  This is a
joke, right?"

   "It's no joke, I assure you.  The next two weeks I have to smoke eleven
cigarettes a day.  I confided in Mitch to have someone to smoke with at
lunchtime.  But I need an alternate.  I figured you might be willing to take
me under your wing and go to lunch with me sometimes."

   "Sure.  It'd be fun," Brianna beamed.  "God, I can't imagine you with a
cigarette between your lips, Larilyn.  It is too funny!"

   Larilyn grinned.  "Well, if you're willing, you can see it firsthand.  I
just don't want it blabbed all over the office.  Is that understood?"

   "Absolutely, boss," Brianna agreed solemnly.  "My lips are sealed."  She
looked hopeful.  "So, do you want to go today?"

   "No, I'm having lunch with Mitch again.  How about Monday?"

   "That'd be fine," her assistant agreed.  She giggled.  "God, I can't wait.
Is that why you're dressed up today?  This luncheon appointment looks like
more than simply business, Larilyn."

   "Hush," she answered, embarrassed it was so obvious.  "I just thought it'd
be good not to look like a slob going to lunch with him.  That's all."

   "Sure," Brianna leered.  "Mitch is cute, Larilyn.  A little old for me,
but cute."

   Not wanting to discuss her feelings, Larilyn changed the subject.
"Brianna, Mitch says you didn't want me to know you smoke.  We've been
together for two years.  I thought we had a good relationship.  Why did you
keep it a secret?"

   Her assistant looked down, then back up, peering through her large, round
glasses.  "I knew how you felt about smoking.  You're active in the lung
association.  I've heard you talk about smokers in very negative terms.  I
didn't think you liked smokers.  There was no point muddying our relationship
by having you know that I smoke."

   Larilyn nodded.  "I see.  Did I really seem that derogatory?"

   "I'm sorry, but yes, you did.  I'd hear your diatribes on the phone with
Sandy Rogers from the lung association.  You talked about smokers like we
were complete idiots and outcasts."

   "My daughter said the same thing," Larilyn mused.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't
realize how negative I sounded, or how judgmental.  Well, after this episode
is over, I'll mend my ways.  The lung association is supposed to be against
smoking, not smokers.  Sometimes we get confused."

   "So do many non-smokers and most anti-smokers these days," Brianna sighed.
"You mean well, but it's mean-spirited.  But this is only a temporary thing?
I mean, you're not going to smoke all the time from now on?"

   Larilyn smiled.  "Well, I'm not planning on it."  She surprised herself.
Andrea said to keep an open mind, but she'd never equivocated till now.  "I
have an appreciation for why people smoke," she went on.  "And I understand
the attraction of the activity."  She nearly said 'filthy activity,' but
changed her mind.  "Even when I'm done, I'll be more tolerant towards people
who smoke.  But I still think it's dangerous," she added defensively.

   "I just wondered," Brianna replied.  "We never really understand others
till we walk in their shoes," she added philosophically.  "We've had a good
relationship the last couple years, Larilyn.  I hope this won't change that."

   "No, actually, your smoking is a godsend, Brianna.  I appreciate your
willingness to smoke with me.  Eleven cigarettes a day every day is going to
be damn difficult!"

   Brianna grinned.  "Actually, Larilyn, you may find it isn't as hard as you

   "That's what my daughter says."

   Brianna returned to her station and Larilyn pondered the last comment.
Everyone said it wouldn't be hard to smoke that much, that she'd find it so
nice she wouldn't mind.  She hoped they were right.  It seemed an impossible
task, especially with her busy schedule.

   Speaking of schedules, before turning to work she called her friend Sylvia
and begged off their Friday night euchre game.  She and four friends played
cards each week.  None of 'em smoked, of course.  Missing the card game was
another sacrifice she'd make to meet her quota.  She told her she'd miss next
week, too.  She gave no reason and Sylvia didn't ask.  It was pointless to
disclose the situation to those who didn't need to know.

   At lunchtime she wandered down to Mitch's office.  He had on a casual
shirt and Dockers.  He whistled as Larilyn walked in.  "Wow," he exclaimed
approvingly.  "I thought it was dress-down day.  Obviously, I got it wrong!
You look great!"

   "Shut up," Larilyn chided him.  Secretly, however, she was pleased he
noticed.  "I thought it'd be better not to look like a slob going to lunch
with an important vice president."

   "Flattery will get you everywhere," Mitch laughed.  He picked up his coat.
"Let's go."

   They walked in a chilly, drizzling rain to the little bar.  They sat at
the same table as the day before.  Mitch was the first to say something

   "Larilyn, you look gorgeous today," he said sincerely.  "You'd look good
in a sweatshirt and jeans, but you look great in that dress!  You are a very
attractive woman."

   "Thanks," she blushed shyly.  "I admit I wanted to look nice for you.
You've been kind enough to have lunch with me so I can meet my stupid quota.
I didn't want to look like a goon."

   "I'm happy to help.  But it's not a stupid quota as far as I'm concerned.
It's the best thing that's happened in recent memory.  It's giving me a
chance to get to know you."

   She blushed again.  God, he _was_ a charmer!  "I like spending time with
you, too, Mitch," she said graciously.  "I've been looking forward to lunch

   Mitch got out his Winstons and his lighter.  "Shall we smoke?" he asked

   "Sure," Larilyn replied.  She wasn't sure why, but this time she was eager
to smoke with him.  As she opened her purse, she gasped.  "Oh, shit.  I left
my cigarettes at home!"

   "No problem," Mitch relied courteously.  "Have one of mine."

   "You don't get it.  I have to smoke all 200 in my carton.  Smoking yours
won't count."

   "I tell you what," he offered helpfully.  "Have one of mine.  Next time we
get together, give me one of yours and I'll smoke it.  It'll be the
equivalent of your quota, as you call it."

   "Okay," she brightened.  "That'll work.  God, this is a big help.  Thanks,
I appreciate it."

   "My pleasure," Mitch replied, handing her a Winston Light 100.  She
examined its cork-tipped filter, the multiple gold-colored bands at the base
of the filter, and the gold letters spelling "Winston."  He readied his
lighter as she put the cigarette in her mouth.  Catching the light, she took
a surprisingly long initial drag and sucked the smoke way down into her

   "Ooh, this tastes different," she exclaimed, looking at the cigarette as
she held the smoke inside her chest.  She pursed her lips and exhaled a thick
plume.  "It's really different."

   "You've been smoking menthols till now.  But this is what real tobacco
tastes like.  These don't have that minty taste."  He lit up his own.  "What
do you think?  Do you like 'em?"

   "Uh, they're okay, I guess," she frowned, still examining the burning
cigarette.  Bits of smoke escaped from her lips as she talked.  "It's just
different, that's all."

   "Welcome to non-menthol smoking.  I like menthols sometimes.  But for a
steady diet, I prefer non-menthols, like my Winstons."  He took another drag.
"Don't worry.  After a few puffs you'll get used to it."

   She took a second drag, consciously savoring the distinctively different
taste.  "You know, they're not bad," she announced, exhaling a stream of
non-mentholated smoke.  "I can smoke these okay.  I'll give you two Marlboro
Menthols in exchange when I see you Monday."

   "How about tonight?  How about if you give 'em to me when we have dinner

   She cocked her head and grinned.  "Is that an invitation, Mitch?"

   "Damn right," Mitch smiled.  Suddenly, he turned heartfelt.  "Have dinner
with me, Larilyn," he urged.  "Come on.  I want time with you, real time,
quality time.  Not just the rush of a quick lunch together."  He paused for a
long drag on his cigarette.  As he puffed, he stared into her eyes.  His tone
was suggestive, almost erotic.  "What do you say?"

   For a moment she didn't know what to say.  She felt vulnerable, but liked
the feeling.  "Okay," she whispered.  "Let's do have dinner."  She gave an
almost involuntary, but erotic, acquiescence.  Slowly she licked her lips and
situated the cork-tipped cigarette between them.  "God, to be honest, I'd
fuckin' love to have dinner with you Mitch," she sighed playfully, sucking on
her Winston and taking a long, luxurious drag.

   "Great," Mitch answered.  He watched her inhale and push a stream of
blue-gray smoke into the atmosphere.  "I'll pick you up at seven.  I'll make
reservations at The Coral Room for seven thirty."

   "The Coral Room?" she answered in disbelief.  "God, that's really
expensive, Mitch."

   "It's one of the few five star restaurants in town.  But this is a big
occasion.  If we're to have dinner, I want it to be special."

   "God, that _will_ be special," she agreed.  If he'd spend that kind of
money, he _did_ want to go out with her.  She felt a strange warmness growing
in her crotch.

   They chatted as they smoked.  Then their food came.  They had a second
cigarette after the meal.  Larilyn again smoked a Winston.  The flavor of the
non-mentholated smoke, though different, grew on her.  She found it just as
satisfactory as her menthols.

   As they prepared to leave, the wind and rain had grown worse.  Mitch had
the only umbrella, so she prepared to huddle against him on their return
journey to the office.  She liked being close to him.  Feeling his arm around
her waist, the warm sensation in her vagina grew more intense.  Her sexual
desire for him was growing.  This wonderful man liked her, and the more she
was with him, the more she liked him.  Tonight she'd spend the whole evening
with him.  That made her even more excited.

   Before leaving the protection of the awning over the bar's entrance, Mitch
got out a cigarette.  "Do you mind if I have one more while we walk back?
I've got a customer coming in at two.  This may be my only chance to smoke
the rest of the afternoon."

   She was taken aback, but smiled politely.  "No, of course I don't mind,
Mitch.  Go right ahead and light up if you want."

   He did.  She held the umbrella, he put his right arm around her, and with
his left hand he held his Winston as they walked side by side.  The wet smoky
smell didn't bother her.  It didn't seem bad.  It seemed … normal.

   They stopped at a red light.  Huddled against her, he turned and held his
cigarette in front of her face.  "Here," he offered.  "Have a puff."

   "Oh, no thanks," she shivered.  "I don't want . . .."

   Before she could finish her objection, he'd pushed the cigarette's filter
tip against her lips.  "Larilyn, just do it," he said with a firm smile.
"Please.  It'll make me feel better."

   The cigarette was millimeters from her lips.  Smoke was wafting into her
face.  The smell was inviting, enticing.  Without a word she placed her
fingers around it and moved it into her mouth.  She took a long-lasting drag,
inhaled, and gave the cigarette back to Mitch.  "Thanks," she said simply,
turning her head to exhale a thick stream of smoke into the chilly wind.

   Mitch said nothing as he took it back.  The light changed and they crossed
the street.  He puffed periodically during the rest of their walk.  When they
reached the front of the office building, he motioned for her to take the
cigarette again while he folded his umbrella.  She did and, in response to
his encouragement, took the final puff and then threw it to the ground.  He
smiled.  "Nice, huh?" he whispered.  Then without warning, he pulled her to
him and kissed her.  She was too surprised to resist.

   As their lips touched, the bittersweet taste of cigarette smoke mingled
between them.  Then his tongue was in her mouth, and hers in his.  All she
wanted was to hold him, consume him, take him for her own.  The kiss was
brief, but it had the impact of an earthquake in her soul.  She knew what she
wanted tonight; and it was more than dinner!

   Mitch blushed.  "I'm sorry," he said sheepishly.  "I lost control of
myself there."  He opened the door and motioned for her to step inside.

   No one saw her puff or the kiss, so she smiled.  "You weren't the only one
who lost control, Mitch," she laughed.  "I guess we're both looking forward
to this evening, aren't we?"

   "We sure are," Mitch answered breathlessly.  "I really am!"

   "Me, too," Larilyn sighed sweetly.


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