More than Watching, Part 2

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This fictional account contains adult language and sexual themes.  If such
language and themes offend you, please do not read further.  The persons and
events described in this work are purely fictional.  Any similarity to actual
persons or events is strictly coincidental.  Copyright 2004 by SSTORYMAN.
All rights reserved.  Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this story in
any form and for any purpose as long as this notice is reproduced and no
financial remuneration is received, directly or indirectly, by the person
reproducing or using it.


2.	In Bed with the Humans.

   Lara, Cynthia and George watched Monday Night Football while sitting at
the bar.  They all drank beer and smoked for several hours.  George felt no
ill effects from repeatedly lighting up and smoking.  But he couldn't match
Cynthia's consumption.  Nor could Lara for that matter.  In the first three
quarters Cynthia smoked eight cigarettes, Lara six and George just four. But
that was four more cigarettes than the blond girl ever imagined that she'd
see George smoke!

   By the fourth quarter all three had had too much to drink.  They laughed
too loud and told too many lewd jokes.  Lara utterly loved it.  She reveled
in the novel emotional experience and in the not-so-subtle sexual innuendoes
that were slung around by her new friends.  Experiencing laughter with them
and feeling lust growing inside her loins over the course of the evening made
it a satisfying though still unfinished event.

   When the fourth quarter started Cynthia was lighting up a cigarette.  Lara
made an offhand remark that changed the direction of their conversation.

   "Hey George," she laughed.  "Cynthia promised to have sex with me tonight.
But I am also very attracted to you and interested in having you fuck me."
She batted her eyes.  "For the sake of efficiency would you care to join
Cynthia and me for a three way sexual encounter?"

   George nearly dropped his beer and Cynthia nearly choked on a mouthful of
smoke.  "Uh, what -?  What did you just say, Lara?" he was the first to

   Lara shrugged and reached for Cynthia's pack.  She shook out another B&H.
"All of us get along very well now.  We're having a good time.  I'm
interested in sex with each of you.  So I think it will be more efficient if
we do it together.  That's not a problem, is it?"  With those words she
casually lit up her seventh cigarette of the night.

   Cynthia gasped.  "Lara, I don't believe this.  You're not serious, are

   "Yes, why not?"  The pretty brunette automaton smiled affably after
inhaling a chest full of mentholated smoke.  "You and George used to date.
You told me.  I'm sure you had sex with George many times.  You also promised
to have sex with me tonight, Cynthia.  I know George wants to fuck me.  Yes,
he wants it very much."  She released a creamy exhale.  "I've seen this
happen many times in your pornographic movies.  Why shouldn't we do what is
called a three way?"

   The blond groaned until a smile appeared.  "Okay.  Wait a minute.  I get
it.  Yeah, I may be slow but finally the light's coming on."  She stared
accusingly at George.  "This is your doing, isn't it, George?  It's a set-up,

   "What the hell are you talking about, Cyn?  I never suggested a troika to

   "Very clever, George," Cynthia went on, clearly disbelieving.  "Yeah,
smart!  You hired Lara and convinced her to fool me into thinking she had
some special power over people.  You knew I'd be willing to do anything to
get some benefit out of that power.  Boy, you had me going.  But now I know
what's really up.  It's nothing but your cock!"

   It was Lara's turn to be confused.  "Explain, Cynthia.  I don't

   "Okay, Lara," the blond said with a rueful shake of her head.  "George put
you up to this.  He brings you into the bar and has you walk by where I am
and make an offhand comment about me smoking.  Conveniently you want to join
me and be my friend.  Then George pretends to be pissed and you pretend to
speak a magic word to him, turning George into a smoker.  I believed you; I
thought you had some weird power.  Next you got me to agree to sleep with
you.  We laugh, we all smoke, we have a good time.  Then whammo, finally you
suggest a three way, something George has been dreaming about."  Stubbornly
she hit hard on her cigarette.  "Shit, I get it now, finally.  Well, it won't
work, guys."

   "Cyn, that's crazy," George protested.  "I didn't.  I never met Lara till
I gave her a lift to the bar tonight.  There's no master plan to trick you
into a three way!"

   Lara at last grinned.  "Oh, I understand.  I get it."  She hit on her
cigarette.  "Cynthia, you believe my power is a pretense, that George made me
devise it to trick you into having sex with me.  Then, after time passed, you
think the plan was to add George."  She exhaled.  "You think that all along
George was the one who wanted a three way, not me?"

   "You're good, Lara," Cynthia remorsefully smiled.  "Go ahead, pretend till
the bitter end.  But it won't work.  God, I bet you're some hooker George
hired.  Till you slipped up getting me to agree to sex with both of you at
once, I didn't catch on.  The power thing was a set-up.  I should've known.
Clever, very clever.  Unfortunately, George, not clever enough."

   Lara felt combined sorrow and rage.  Despite herself she had to show
Cynthia her suspicion was unfounded.  She called out to the bartender whose
name was Steve.  "Excuse me, Steve.  Didn't Susie tell us that the owner of
this bar is here tonight?"

   "Uh, yeah," the bartender nodded.  "Ken's here.  He's over there."  He
pointed to a table across the way.

   "Good.  Will you please ask Ken to come and speak to us?"

   "Why?  Is there some problem?"

   Lara exhaled a stream of smoke.  "There will be unless Ken speaks to us

   Cynthia was confused.  The bartender left.  "What the hell's all this
about, Lara?"

   "You'll see.  I must convince you I had no plan to trick you, Cynthia.
George is not part of a master scheme to get you in bed with the two of us.
George truly did hate smoking until I changed him.  His new love for the
habit that we share is not pretend."

   "Yeah, right!  But how will talking to Ken, the owner, convince me that's

   "I'll show you," Lara smirked.  She hit on her cigarette.  "You'll see."

   A large burly man approached the bar.  "I'm Ken.  I'm the owner here.
Look, Steve told me you have a problem.  What's going on that you had to
interrupt me?"

   Lara batted her eyes and stuck out her hand.  "Hi, Ken, I'm Lara Aquillo."
Instinctively he shook it.  "Did Susie mention that I want to apply for a job
here?  I love this establishment.  I'd like to work here from now on.  Will
that be possible?"

   Ken took a distracted look at the TV behind the bar.  "Look, honey, you're
real pretty.  Yeah, Susie did mention it.  But I'm busy watching football
with some friends.  So come back tomorrow.  I'll be glad to let you fill out
the paperwork."  He narrowed his eyes.  "I need two pieces of ID and your
social security number for a background check.  I background check everyone
who works here.  Can't be too careful, you know."

   "Thank you, Ken.  But I have no ID and no social security number.  Will
that be a problem for you?"

   Ken shook his head.  He was still angry being interrupted.  "Sorry, honey,
that's a deal-killer.  I need proof you're over 21 and without a social
security number I can't run a background check.  Sorry.  No dice."  He turned
to walk away.

   Lara cleared her throat.  "Ken, one more thing?"

   He turned.  "Yeah?"

   Lara looked at Cynthia and George.  "I bet you're certain he won't give me
a job now.  Correct?"

   "Doesn't sound like it, bitch," Cynthia smirked.  "Not if you won't give
him a social security number and some ID.  Too bad."

   "Yeah?" Ken repeated.  He was clearly irritated waiting on the gorgeous

   Lara slowly dragged on her cigarette.  She inhaled and stared directly at
the owner.  "Ken, look at me."  He did.  "You won't need to see pieces of
identification to hire me as a waitress.  You'll hire me tonight, right now,
with no ID and with no social security number.  Isn't that right?"  Escaping
smoke punctuated her words.

   Ken seemed stunned.  "I don't need to see ID," he slowly repeated.  "I'll
hire you without a social security number."  He turned to the bartender.
"Steve, get Lara an application to fill out.  I want her in here tomorrow
night at 5:30.  Okay?"

   Steve, too, was shocked.  "But boss -."

   "Shut up," Ken snapped.  "You heard me.  Hire Lara tonight, right now.  I
don't care if she has ID or not.  She's clearly 21 and she's hired as of
right this minute."  He turned to the brunette beauty.  "Lara, thanks for
wanting to work here.  Don't worry about any technicalities.  I don't need
`em.  I don't give a shit about `em.  We'll just be lucky to have you here
with us."

   Lara grinned as she winked at her comrades.  "Thanks, Ken.  Oh, and Ken?
You don't care if I need lots of cigarette breaks while I work, do you?
That's no problem.  Right?"

   Ken turned to his bewildered bartender.  "Steve, let Lara smoke on the job
if she wants, as much as she wants.  Okay?"

   "But boss -" the bartender repeated.  "You don't let anyone -."

   "Shut up," Ken barked.  "Hell, Steve, I know you let Susie sneak
cigarettes behind the bar.  I know all about your arrangement with Susie.
Let's get rid of that double-standard.  From now on both Lara and Susie can
smoke whenever and wherever they want in here.  Got it?"

   "Yeah, got it, boss," Steve replied, glaring briefly at Lara.

   Without further comment Ken returned to his table.  Lara turned
victoriously to Cynthia.  "Now do you believe my power is real?"

   Cynthia hit fretfully on her cigarette.  "Oh my God," she whispered after
an inhale.  "I don't believe what I just saw.  Ken is ordinarily a real
stickler for protocol.  Lara, it's true after all."  Smoke dribbled from her
lips  "You did it to Ken like you did it to George.  This _isn't_ a trick, is
it?  Your power's really real?"

   Lara smugly dragged on her B&H Menthol.  "I knew my demonstrating it on
Ken would satisfy you."  She smiled at poor befuddled George as she exhaled
smoke.  "It's true that having three way sex with us will please George.  I
can sense that craving within him quite strongly."  She turned her gaze to
the lovely blond.  "But George didn't put me up to this.  It was all my idea
and _my_ desire, Cynthia.  Not his."  She paused for a further hit on her
cigarette.  "I want to have sex tonight, and I want it with both of you

   All of a sudden Cynthia was eager to please.  "Lara, I'm so sorry.  I was
totally wrong about you.  Of course you're not a hooker.  It's just that -.
Well shit, I can't help but be suspicious with George.  It hardly seemed
possible that he'd start smoking but I figured he might if it got him into
bed with two women at once.  I never put anything past him."  She glared at
George while affectionately touching Lara's hand.  "Look, Lara.  Despite my
stupid suspicions it doesn't change what I said.  I think you're a real
turn-on, honey.  I _do_ want to sleep with you."  She smiled at their male
comrade.  "And if you really want it that way, Lara, well, I sure as hell
don't mind having George with us."

   Lara smiled.  Her lust was growing.  She was happy experiencing this human
emotion.  "Excellent, Cynthia.  Now must we wait for the end of this sporting
event?  I understand the rules of football but I fail to see how watching
this broadcast can possibly equal the pleasure we will receive from sex."

   "Good point, Lara," George interrupted.  "Steve, check please!"

   The automaton put a hand on George's leg.  "Your loins are full of semen.
You want to copulate.  I sense your feelings, the same emotions I have,
George.  I want you to fuck me, too."

   "Hey, Steve, can I have the check please?"  He became more urgent.  He
brushed his fingers against Lara's cheek, softly touching her smooth skin.
"Lara, I've never met anyone like you.  Imagine picking up a gorgeous girl in
a bar and ending up with her and another girl in a troika?"  He groaned.
"God, it's too fuckin' good to be true, especially since it's your idea and
you somehow talked the other girl into it for me!"

   "I must experience sex.  I must fulfill the growing lust welling up inside
my body," Lara quietly explained.  "It's very strong, George.  So strong.  I
must be intimate with you and Cynthia.  I could force you, but somehow I
sense it will be more satisfying if you both consent willingly to a sexual

   George laughed as he handed the bartender a fifty.  "Keep the change,

   As they walked to George's car Cynthia caught up to Lara.  "Look, Lara,
all that stuff I said before?  None of it changes our deal, does it?  We'll
have sex and be friends.  But you'll still use that power to help me get what
I want.  Right?"

   Lara laughed.  She enjoyed having the lovely blond female beg helplessly.
The perverse pleasure she felt was breathtaking.  "Yes, Cynthia, I'll honor
our agreement.  You also agreed to purchase cigarettes for me, as many as I
want.  Remember?"

   "You got it, baby," Cynthia said with a sigh of relief.  "And you still
have some power left, right?  You didn't use the last of it up when you did
that to Ken, did you?"

   "No, Cynthia, plenty of power remains.  There is enough to get you
whatever you want."

   "Good," she sighed gratefully.  She put her arm around Lara's waist.
"Honey, despite what I said I'm looking forward to doing a troika with you
and George.  I never did one before."  She giggled.  "It's pretty kinky but
it might be kind of fun."

   "Yes, I sense it'll be pleasant," Lara smiled.  She leaned over and kissed
the blond girl walking by her side.  It was a sensual moment, strangely
heightened for Lara by the smell of smoke on Cynthia's breath.  Somehow that
aroma intensified her lust.  One of the specimens she used to program her
automatonic body must have been attracted by female tobacco ingestion.  Now
so was she.  She groaned.  "Cynthia, I want this sexual experience to be
emotionally overwhelming.  Despite your previous protest I sense you feel the
same.  You _like_ the plan of making love to George and me together, don't

   "God, you're quite the mind-reader, Lara," Cynthia sighed excitedly.  She
hugged her.  "That's exactly what I was just thinking."

   "I know," Lara said with a gentle squeeze of her friend's ass.  "I know!"


   It was an hour and a half later.  Lara, Cynthia and George all lay
exhausted and naked on the queen-size bed in George's apartment.  Lara was
completely spent.  The episode was thrilling, more than she expected.  It
began as Cynthia kissed and fondled her while George watched.  Lara thought
she'd explode with desire.  It progressed to all three touching and
pleasuring each other, arms and legs wrapped around one another in bed.  The
strange exercise called kissing in which humans regularly engaged proved to
be extremely satisfying.  But it was only a prelude.  The electric feeling of
Cynthia and George in unison caressing her taut breasts and rubbing her
clitoris drove her wild.  Never had the disguised alien experienced anything
remotely like it.  The culmination came when George finally inserted his
erect male sexual organ, his cock as Cynthia called it, deep inside her and
thrust in and out as the blond girl stroked and fondled her breasts while
kissing her on the mouth.  Lara screamed with ecstasy, out of control, as the
orgasmic moment lasted for what seemed like an eternity.

   Cynthia was the first to sit up.  "Hey George, I need a cigarette - now!."
She smiled at the exhausted male draped over the bed.  "But I need an
ashtray.  Can you help me out here?"

   He groaned as he rolled over.  "Cyn, don't be an ass.  I never smoked
before tonight.  So I don't have any ashtrays in the house, dufus."

   "Well, fuck you, then," the blond girl teased.  She got up and looked
around.  "I'll find something I can use as an ashtray.  Smoking after sex is
a must!"

   Lara opened her eyes and greedily licked her lips.  "That sounds wonderful
to me," she quietly agreed.  She enjoyed feeling the perverse gnawing desire
for another cigarette.  "Yes, I agree with Cynthia.  The chemical stimulation
of more nicotine at this moment will be highly pleasurable to me.  I would
like a cigarette, too, Cynthia."

   The naked blond returned with a glass dish purloined from George's
dresser.  "No problem about the ashtray.  This dish will do the trick," she
mused.  She got her purse and retrieved her pack of Benson & Hedges Menthol
100's.  Hurriedly taking one out she put it in her mouth.  She then tossed
the pack to Lara.  "Here you go.  Be my guest, bitch," she laughed at the
other naked girl before looking straight at their host.  "I hope George won't
mind that we're gonna stink up his pristine apartment by smoking in it."

   George simply shrugged so Cynthia immediately fired up her cigarette.  She
held out the lighter and did the same for Lara.  Both girls dragged unusually
long and hard.  Lara in particular felt unusually buoyed by the pleasant
stimulation of smoking once more.

   Lara exhaled a creamy stream of thick smoke through smiling lips.
"Smoking has turned out to be so pleasant.  Such a nice surprise," she mused.
"My research prepared me to expect that copulation and all the associated
sexual stimulus would be very satisfying.  But the pleasure that smoking
brings -," she went on.  "God, I simply never knew it even existed.  Not like
this.  I am really quite happy with it."

   George sat up.  He grinned at the sight of two naked women.  "God, that
smells awful good," he confessed.  "Lara, can I have one of those?  I'd like
to join you again."

   Lara passed him the pack.  George likewise slid out a cigarette.  He put
it in his lips.  This time Lara did the honors and lit him up.  He took a
long first drag as soon as the flame caught.

   "Ah, God that's _so_ nice," George growled happily.  Smoke literally
spewed through his grin.  "God, I don't know what came over me.  Suddenly
smoking's about the most appealing thing in the world to me."  Looking at his
cohorts he grinned.  "Except for fucking of course," he added with a
suggestive snigger.

   "Well George, thanks to Lara here it looks like you finally saw the
light," Cynthia beamed happily.  "At last after all these years you finally
understand what I've always known, babe.  That is, there's absolutely
_nothing_ like a cigarette after good sex!"

   "Hey, as far as I'm concerned, nothing's like a cigarette anytime," he
corrected her, raising his B&H to his mouth.  He pulled hard on it and
inhaled.  "God, I don't know how I got addicted to these things like this in
just one night."  He released an exhale.  "But it sure as hell did happen.  I
never want to stop smoking.  Hell, I'm not sure I could stop even if I wanted

   "No, you never will stop, George," Lara predicted confidently.  "No matter
what happens from now on you'll smoke all the time, constantly, all day every
day, until the day that your life force finally departs."

   "I think Lara's right, George," Cynthia laughed wickedly.  "She hit the
nail on the head.  You're a goner now.  It's over, babe.  You're a smoker for

   "But I don't give a shit."  He laughed and quickly reached out to pinch
Cynthia on the ass.  She squealed with delight and he laughed again.  "Yeah,
I agree with you, Lara.  I'll never quit smoking as long as I live.  I feel
like I _have_ become a smoker for sure!"

   Lara sadly looked at the floor.  "You and Cynthia are fortunate.  We were
so wrong.  We thought ours was the fortunate race.  But we aren't.  You
humans benefit from the advantages of having emotional and sexual joy.
Alcohol, smoking and sexual pleasure are things I will miss."

   "Where do you expect to go?" George asked.  "You got yourself a job now,
starting at five thirty tomorrow."  He looked at his watch and stopped.
"Actually, five thirty _tonight_ you begin working as a waitress at Ken's
bar.  Sounds to me like you're not going anywhere soon."

   "Don't mind her, George.  Lara has a delusion that she's an alien who has
to phone home," Cynthia laughed.  "She'll get over it."

   Lara smiled bravely.  "Yes, that's right, Cynthia.  I'll get over it," she

   "Hey, Lara, you and I need to go," Cynthia abruptly announced.  Putting
her cigarette in her mouth she began grabbing her clothes off the floor.
"Lara's staying at my place, George," the blond explained.  "We're gonna be
roommates and best buddies.  Right, Lara?"

   The brunette didn't answer.  George smiled at both girls and sighed.
"Hey, you guys, thanks.  Shit, this was great!  It's the best fuck I ever
had.  Cyn, you're even better in bed with help from Lara," he winked.
"Anytime, ladies.  I mean it.  Anytime!"

   Cynthia gathered her things.  She motioned to Lara to do the same.  "Don't
worry, George.  I bet we'll be back.  Lara here seems to have an insatiable
sexual appetite!"

   Lara smiled at the naked human male who was still staring at her.  "Yes,
George, I suspect that Cynthia and I will indeed be back.  I need more of
this sexual stimulation for as long as I'm here."  She hit on her cigarette.
"And like you, I do not intend to quit smoking until I depart."  She released
an exhale.  "It will be a sad event when my departure is required."

   George ambled over.  "Don't be sad, Lara."  He smiled and took her head in
his hands.  He kissed her, thrusting his tongue in her mouth.  "Trust me, you
sexy thing.  There's plenty more installments for you where tonight's first
payment came from!"

   "You smell good as a smoker, George," Lara smiled.  "I'm glad you won't be

   "Nah, I won't quit," he grinned.  "Never.  I love to smoke now!"

   Never is the right word, Lara mused silently.  All the human specimens who
get anal probes also get the power used on them to make them forget.  They
almost never remember what happened, so the power is nearly infallible.  But
in your case I'm glad, she smiled without speaking.  For even if eventually I
must stop smoking and having sex, I don't want you and Cynthia to ever stop!

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