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All in the Family By Older and Better It had been almost a year ago that Melody Gaspar gasped as she entered the Corvette Restaurant and looked in the direction of the large table Watson and Jo Ellen Jones traditionally occupied. The director of the Martin Street Church choir was watching as Jo Ellen Jones held up a cigarette. Before she could catch her breath Melody saw Jo Ellen take a puff and sent a long steam of smoke into the air. Melody now has a pack a day smoking habit now that gives taking a deep breath a little competition. She coughs a little when she lights up at an even larger breakfast table this Saturday morning. Jo Ellen, who still sings solo each Sunday for the choir Melody still directs, is lighting her sixth cigarette en route to what is usually three packs a day. Not quite a year ago at the Corvette, Jo Ellen had just announced to several members of her large family that she had decided to return to smoking after a 30-year absence. Her announcement on St. Patrick's Day, which also happened to be her 51st birthday. It came a day after she learned that she and Watson would have their jobs terminated with the closing of Slocum Pace Bible College at the end of the school year. Shortly after their marriage in June of 1972, Watson took a job as religion instructor at SPC. He had served for years as director of religious education at the college. After giving birth to her 14th child, Jo Ellen had moved into the position of director of media information for the college. Jo Ellen first shocked Ima Clerk when she bought a pack of Winstons that morning last March. I guess I know who you buy cigarettes for," Ima said last night while taking a deep drag on her Newport 100. Husband John couldn't be happier. He and Ima spent the Christmas holidays on a smoky cruise to Hawaii. In their 50s, the clerks weren't the youngest couple on the cruise, they just acted that way. Watson and Jo Ellen Jones are the parents of 15 children, 12 of them girls. To meet the entire family is difficult. They are spread into several states although most live in Henderson Valley. Oldest is Anita, who lives in her hometown and is a bank clerk. Anita Phuff and husband Josh celebrated their 12th anniversary that St. Patrick's Day. Between them, they have four children: Amy 12 1/2; Charlene 11; and Watson Lee II, almost 10; and infant Sarah. Except for the excursion that led to a child in her teens, Anita has led the life expected of her in Henderson Valley. James has a 15-year old daughter Shiela, who since come to live with them. Bernice, 27, owns her own accounting firm and still lives in the same hometown with her family. Carl Watson, 26, returned later in the spring. He took wife Becky home with him. They met and married while he attended the seminary in Tennessee. Becky already knew she was pregnant at the time of the move. Carl Junior is about six weeks older than James and Anita's Sarah. Becky is rather comfortable at a bank office in Henderson Valley. Anita is clerk at the same bankin Henderson Valley. They have so much in common. Watson and Jo Ellen have named their children alphabetically, according to the order of their birth. For a time, the children came every 14 months. The pace slowed toward the end. Jo Ellen, who celebrates here 51st birthday today, was 39 when Opal, her final child was born on New Year's Day in 1990. While the 14 children present at the breakfast last March watched in amazement as their mother sent plumes of smoke into the air, they now accept her deep exhales as a matter of fact. Jo Ellen had smoked in college before meeting Watson. She was 20 and took the dare to quit smoke. To Watson the amazement of watching his wife is now a treasurer moment. That night, Jo Ellen, already intoxicated on alcohol, became intoxicated on Watson. Watson, who still never drinks, was intoxicated on Jo Ellen. Thirty years of waiting for his wife to smoke her next cigarette was growing more and more uncomfortable for Watson. He grows more comfortable daily with his smoking wife. He has even been known to return to having a nooner with his still lovely and now smoking wife. The list of sisters included Debbie, 25, Last year, she was the news director for Radio Station KHSN. This year she is preparing to step into a promising reporter's job with CNN. Debbie has raven hair, a face and voice made for prime time television and a body built for beauty contests. Her pack a day smoking habit seems to compliment her voice and looks. Elaine, 23, completed her BBA at the state university in December and was had taken over the operation of Watson Jones Insurance, a sideline until Elaine got out of college. A smoker also, she shares an office building with Becky. Elaine and her Salem 100s often join Bernice, a Marlboro 100s smoker on breaks. Neither smoke in their office building. Fran, 23, turned out to be the last family member to graduate from Slo Pace. Smoking only since the Christmas holidays, she also appeared to be the most recent family member to take up smoking. She now attends law school. Gwen, 21, graduates this year from senior college. She hit the campus smoking and has been making up for lost time. and Heather, 20, in her public university roommate and follows her sister everywhere except the bars, or so her parents think. Ira Lee Jones, 19, is a freshman at the same college. He still goes with Desaud Issaid, called Dee. Dee was high school Valedictorian and a great softball player. She is a student and smoker now, doing about a pack a day of Marlboro Lights. Like many college coeds, Dee mixes in Black and Mild Cigars with her cigarette smoking. The Issaid family, who emigrated from Saudia Arabia, owns several convenience stores in Henderson Valley. Shortly after 9-11, Dee's mother, Ineide, already an outgoing person, took up a liberal cause for Saudia women. By Christmas, Ineide had also taken up smoking. She now needs more Salem Lights daily than her daughter smokes Marlboro Lights. Jell, Jo Ellen's 18-year old namesake, won't be smoking at the Corvette today. She's a senior in high school and a good athlete. She hopes to repeat as the district champion in the 800 meters. She knows she will have a difficult time getting to a higher level as her coach encourages because she has been smoking 10 cigarettes a day for about 15 months. In appearance, she is a dead-ringer for her mother although far behind her mother's smoking pace at the same age. Although Watson and Jo Ellen have successfully gained the support of voters to convert the Slocum Pace campus into a junior college campus for Henderson Valley, Jell will be going to the same senior college Ira attends. She hopes to be a sorority sister of the popular Dee. Dee promises that will be a lock. May Bee, 14, a high school freshman and also rather athletic, started smoking at the age of 13, the same age as her mother was when she started smoking. She goes by the name of MB. Jell remembers her first conversation with MB about their mother's smoking. "I thought I was going to die with mom smoking," Jell said as smoke exited her mouth and both nostrils. MB turned her head and let the smoke exit before speaking. "That's going to make it more difficult for us to do without a cigarette," she said. "But look at it this way. With mom smoking, we would have to worry about her smelling our breath." "That's for sure," MB responded. "She seems to be a heavy smoker right from the start." "It's not really a start," Jell said. "I know, but it's new to us," was MB's reply. Luellen, Watson and Jo Ellen's 15 year old, is the oldest girl who does not smoke. Like Ira, Kent Joseph, a junior in high school, does not smoke. Kent goes with Michelle Gaspar, Melody's daughter. Michelle refuses to join her mom, Kent's sister or other friends in smoking. It's a secret she and Kent share. Nancy, 13, was the first to snitch on Jell and MB. As soon as her mother started smoking Nancy was there to light her cigarette. Nancy has since given up her limited smoking. Opal, the final child and a sixth grader has apparently never smoked a cigarette although the opportunities are ample. Luellen and Shiela will likely join Jell and MB as runners on the mile relay team this spring. Despite their smoking, Jell, followed by MB, are still the strongest runners of the quartet. Shiela convinced step-sisters Amy and Charlene to stop even occasional smoking during Anita's pregnancy. The younger girls have stayed off of cigarettes. Her efforts have not been completely successful. Anita tried smoking shortly after Sarah was born and quickly rose past a pack a day. Anita and James and sister-in-law Becky and Carl went to dinner Friday night. After a tasty Bloody Mary, Becky smoked her first cigarette. After a delicious dinner, she smoked another. Becky skipped smoking prior to breakfast Saturday morning but took one from Anita after breakfast. "You smoke, too," Jo Ellen said. "I do now," Becky said as moderate amounts of smoke escaped her mouth. Jo Ellen hesitated for a haunting minute. The she said, "welcome." |
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