Quit Smoking Diary, Part 7

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Author's note:  The following story is satire, and is not intended to, in
any sense, imply that people should not quit smoking, or that people should
intentionally sabotage the attempts of others to quit.  As the surgeon
general so wisely advises, "Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious
risks to your health."

The author does not necessarily condone the use of tobacco, nor hypnosis
under false pretenses, nor participation in lesbian sex, , nor masturbation,
nor any other morally questionable practice depicted in the story.  

Later parts of the story contain graphic sexual language, and are not
suitable for underage readers.  

Any resemblance to smoking fetish fiction is purely accidental.  

"My Quit Smoking Diary"
Part 7 

Entry 11, continued:

As Emily continued to fondle my breasts, I continued putting more and more
smoke into my body, as if to make up for lost time. She looked so fresh, so
innocent and pure, and hardly like the heavy smoker type, until she took a
drag. Every time Emily took a puff, her entire face would pucker around the
cigarette, as if she were tasting something incredibly sour. Then, suddenly,
she would pop her cig out of her mouth and very deliberately treat her lungs
to a thick cloud. She looked totally uninhibited as she smoked, and it amazed
me that such a small person could burn down a cigarette like she did.
Something about watching her smoke like that while I was doing the same thing
turned me on in no small way. I could feel my sense of self-restraint
slipping away, and I was not sad to see it go.

She pushed me further, by rubbing my chest every time I inhaled, as if to
massage the smoke deeper down. The tingling sensation in my lungs was almost
more than I could handle, yet I kept sucking down one drag after another,
before exhaling long jets of smoke toward the ceiling. I was just about to
begin removing my bra with my free hand, when Emily spoke.

"Jennifer," she said, sitting up slightly on the bed, "I'm not sure we
should be doing this. You're in a very vulnerable state, and I don't want
to take advantage of you or do something that we might regret later." 

While I appreciated the sensitivity and motivation behind what she said, I
was past the point of return. I studied her eyes, and saw that they belied
her words with the hunger that they expressed. I could see that she
definitely did want to continue, and go further. 

I took another long drag and inhaled it. "Shhh," I said, holding my finger
in front of my mouth as smoke jetted past it, "I very much want you to take
total advantage of me. I promise that neither of us will ever regret it,
anymore than we will ever regret picking back up our cigarette habits."

When she heard my words, Emily transformed with an immediacy that startled
me. Shedding any pretense of desiring anything except sexual and smoking
gratification, she put her cigarette in her mouth and grinned wickedly
between hands free pumps. Then, as quickly as she had torn into her pack of
cigarettes earlier, she removed her dress, bra, and underwear. 

All that remained on her naked body were two nicotine patches, one on top of
each of her disproportionately large breasts. Her grin changed into a smile
of mock primness. "It looks like I accidentally left these on. Oh well. I
guess a little extra nicotine can't hurt."

She took another deep drag, and regarded me like a predator would scrutinize
prey before pouncing. "I need your clothes off, now!" she growled as she
shot an exhale into my face. I began to comply, but evidently not quickly
enough, because she practically ripped my clothes off before discarding them
on the floor. 

Emily took another long and sensuous drag on her cigarette, and stuck her
tongue way out before rolling the smoke all the way down it to the insides of
her chest. Just as I was pulling in a long drag, she suddenly spread my legs
apart, went down on me, and began lapping at my vagina. I gasped in surprise,
pulling the smoke sharply in. She breathed her smoke slowly out, and it
surrounded my pubic hair like a dense fog in a forest. 

Winking at me, she smirked at my writhing response to her attentions, before
taking another long drag and exhaling it into my opening. I had never felt
anything like that before, and my vagina was tingling all over with exquisite
pleasure. She looked up at me wildly, and did it again, and again,
mechanically inhaling one drag, exhaling it into me right away, and then
doing it again. Between my own drags and hers, I felt like a balloon being
blown up and just about ready to pop.

"Look at you," she said, before making her cigarette burn brightly with her
drag. She inhaled greedily and continued, "You're such a hot, smoking slut.
I love how you open your legs after a couple cigarettes, how you can't get
enough nicotine-" she took another drag, "And soon you won't be able to
get enough sex." She sucked the smoke down. "Do you like smoke up your
pussy?" She rolled her tongue up and blew into me. "I know you do. You need
nicotine so bad you have to get it into more than one opening." Another
puff, and another inhale, and she said, "I'm glad I lured you back to
smoking." Again, she breathed out into my body, making my insides quiver.
"I want to make sure you are never foolish enough to quit again."

I kept smoking my cigarette, nearing its end. When I had pumped my lungs full
to capacity, I replied, "Thank you for seducing me. I'm happy to be your
nicotine whore."

When orgasm became inevitable, I began to quake with the power of it, and yet
my climax took its time coming, as I built up more and more pressure.
Finally, it was just too much, and a wave of my juices spilled forth into
Emily's mouth, just as she was preparing to blow her last exhale up my
snatch. My breasts jiggled crazily as I shook with the force of the climax,
and I took one last drag of my own cigarette as I finally stopped cumming.
The insides of my legs were moist with my juices and my dark hair was tinted
yellow with the residue from Emily's exhales.

If I had thought this was the end, and that we would curl up in each other's
arms, I would have been mistaken. Instead, Emily whipped her head up, and
seized the box of cigars that lay on the table next to us. She unwrapped two,
stuck one in my mouth, and the other in her own. "We aren't done smoking
yet, silly," she announced.  Emily flicked her lighter to life, and for a
moment I stared transfixed at her face as she expertly puffed her cigar
alight. Her features portrayed a strange mixture of expectation, contentment,
and animal lust. For a few seconds, the end of her cigar glowed bright red as
she pulled smoke in, and then, as she removed the cigar from her mouth and
inhaled, the tip began to smolder furiously. Emily's smile broadened, and
she spread her legs wide apart while she threw her head back and exhaled
through her nose. I knew what she wanted me to do before she offered me a

With my cigar still unlit in my mouth, I briefly held up my fore and middle
fingers, the ones I use to hold my cigarettes, and then glided them up
between Emily's legs. Her purple lips slid easily apart, to reveal a damp
pinkness between them. I rubbed a couple of times up and down on this slick
spot, and then Emily rewarded me by clicking her lighter again. Without
stopping my petting of her vagina, I puffed on my cigar until it was going
good, and then brought the hot, dense, moist smoke down where it belonged.

I had thought smoking those extra long cigarettes of hers had felt good, and
it really did, but inhaling the heavy fumes of the cigar brought my lungs to
a whole new level of pleasure. Instinctively, I accelerated the pressure and
friction I brought to bear on Emily's vagina, as if to pass along to her the
satisfaction that was running through my whole body. I closed my eyes as I
held in the smoke, and felt Emily's slender fingers find their way to my
clit. Exhaling through my nose, I began another long drag on my cigar, hardly
believing my good fortune at having such a massive quantity of tobacco ahead
to smoke while such a sexy little vixen took care of my vaginal needs.

I stared at Emily as she thrashed around, wild with pleasure from my caresses
and from the potent nicotine she kept inhaling. I was so into what we were
doing that I hardly realized I was doing the same thing. Emily was good, very
good, at sexually stimulating me. It occurred to me that she was timing her
rubbing for when I inhaled my drags, and I consciously did the same thing for

We both went slowly and steadily, and kept each other right at the edge of
climax for a very long time while we enjoyed breathing our cigar smoke in and
out. After abstaining from cigarettes for so long on the cruise, the nicotine
rush I was feeling from chaining two 164's and an eight inch cigar was
absolutely intense, and if I were not laying down on my side I'm sure I
would have fallen over from dizziness. 

As our cigars came closer to conclusion, I began to work Emily toward an
orgasm, but she whispered, "Not yet- close your eyes," before she took my
cigar away. I closed my eyes, not sure what she had in store for me, but
nevertheless eager and curious to see. She continued massaging me, and
keeping me just near the brink, while with her free hand she was fumbling for
something next to the bed. She began to accelerate her fingers' motions, and
put a small glass tube between my lips. "Get ready," she murmured
sensuously, as I moved closer to cumming.

I heard a snapping sound, and then what sounded like a torch, and soon very
potent, very sweet tasting smoke began to shoot directly into my lungs. I
sucked in as hard as I could, helping the smoke go deeper inside my body.
Inhaling felt really, really good, but as I held the smoke, a brilliant bolt
of nicotine jarred my senses. It was like when an anvil falls on a cartoon
character's head, only it felt incredibly delightful. 

I opened my eyes to the vision of Emily putting the tube to her lips and
sucking the white smoke from the pipe down, and I jiggled my fingers in and
around her G spot. Emily inhaled, and her vagina suddenly felt very hot, wet,
and compact, before it began pulsating mightily. She let forth a wild yelp as
she began to squirt.

It was at that moment that orgasm took me, and I felt like I was falling out
of an airplane. It quite easily was the best and most intense sexual climax I
have ever had, and it seemed to last forever before gradually I returned to
myself and, with a low moan, exhaled a very faint stream of the smoke.

Emily didn't stop pleasuring me, but instead held the tube to my lips, and I
drew in more smoke. Although it usually takes me a little while between
climaxes, I came almost immediately as the smoke dazzled my lungs and brain.
My whole body heaved with the power of the sensation.

Even though I remember every detail of my smoking experience with Emily very
vividly, I lost track of how many times we hit that pipe and gave each other
mind-bending orgasms. I must have lost consciousness at the end, because the
next thing I knew Emily was stirring me awake, and offering me another
cigarette. I accepted it gladly, and we cuddled close while we each smoked.

All of this happened a couple of days ago, and since then we have indulged in
the same and similar sexual trysts many times over. Emily confided in me that
she already has a girlfriend, which I don't mind since I'm a definite
heterosexual, and not looking for something long term with a woman. Still,
I'm glad I experimented with Emily, although I found the whole experience
kind of confusing. Perhaps Dr. Monroe can help me sort out my feelings after
I get back.

I later found out that the pipe contained a very potent and addictive form of
nicotine, one that I am sure to enjoy countless times in the future. I am
also eager to keep smoking the new brand of cigarettes, called Allures, along
with a few Allure cigars each day.

Well, that's all for this entry, and probably for my entire "Quit Smoking
Diary." I'm just way past wanting to quit. 


Maureen sat at Cynthia's computer, smoking one cigarette after another while
she read the various entries her friend Jennifer had made in her journal. One
of her hands kept raising her cigarette up to her puffing lips, while with
the other hand she gently masturbated herself. 

When she finished, she turned around to face Cynthia, who was herself
enjoying the last puff of a cigarette before lighting another. Maureen looked

"It's interesting, how far Jennifer came, isn't it?" Cynthia asked,

"Definitely. I have a few questions though, if you don't mind satisfying my

"You know I love to satisfy you. Ask away!"

"Firstly, what did you do to Maureen during those hypnosis sessions?"

Cynthia inhaled her smoke with her eyes closed, her face a picture of
serenity. "I meant what I said when I told Maureen that hypnosis isn't a
matter of putting anything into a person's mind, but rather of drawing out
what is already there. In the first session, I simply asked Jennifer if she
really wanted to quit, and of course she said `no.' In the second session,
I asked her if she would like to deepen her addiction, and she said "yes."
The third session was all about what triggered her cravings. We worked on
intensifying her need for cigarettes after certain triggers set her off.
During her final session, we discussed her fear of being without cigarettes,
and how anxious she becomes when she hasn't had a cigarette in a while."

"So you didn't exactly hypnotize her to smoke more?"

Cynthia took a drag and smiled. "Not exactly, although it turned out to be
what ended up happening."

"How did Emily keep from smoking on the ship?"

"Who says that she did? She brought one of her smokeless pipes on board,
which is why she spent so much time in the bathroom. A couple of Allure
patches and some gum helped her while she was with Jennifer. However, she
called me from the boat to tell me that she was having a really hard time
abstaining for even a couple hours, even with the help of the gum and
patches. Still, I think it was worth it for her. Emily is a total slut, and
nothing gets her off more than seducing both men and women with cigarettes."
Cynthia inhaled another puff, and beamed with pride, "Light her up, and
she'll spread her legs for just about anybody." 

Maureen took a long puff, inhaled, and grinned. "I don't suppose Jennifer
had the benefit of the same patches."

"Let's just say that I gave her what she needed, what she really wanted, to
give her the right motivation to quit trying to quit.

"I think Jennifer is embarrassed to see me, especially after the last
journal entry, but still, perhaps I will see her again." Cynthia took a deep
drag and inhaled it with a soft popping sound. "Try to act surprised,"
Cynthia she said while holding her smoke in, "If Jennifer asks you to try
her new brand of cigarettes. Emily gave her a website, where she has already
ordered a few cartons, plus some other goodies."

"What about all of the sexual stuff? Why did Allures make Jennifer so
horny?" Maureen took another drag, sucked a ball of smoke down her windpipe,
and added, almost as an afterthought, "Why do they have that effect on me

Cynthia lay down on her bed, and took a calming drag on her cigarette.
"People associate smoking quite easily with certain activities, like waking
up, talking on the phone, etc. We've talked about this before. With the case
of sex, because both of them are powerful stimuli, they reinforce and trigger
one another, especially with our more potent variety of nicotine. Once a
person has `cum under the influence of Allures,' so to speak, they are
strongly inclined to become aroused by smoking, and they intensely crave
nicotine when they become aroused.  They develop what is called a `smoking

Maureen got up from her chair in front of the computer, not bothering to pull
up her panties, and joined her friend.

"I have one last question. Why all of the cloak and dagger stuff? Why go to
all of this trouble, with the `therapy' sessions, putting Jennifer through
quitting, sending her on the cruise, and setting her up with Emily? Why not
just ask me to give her one of our special cigarettes, if we wanted her to
keep smoking?"

Cynthia began to softly stroke Maureen's lips before she took a drag and
exhaled a kiss into her friend's lungs. She pulled away slightly, smiled
wickedly, and then answered.

"Simple. Shit like this really floats my boat. Reading Jennifer's journal,
meeting with her, and watching her, all of that really got me going."

As if to emphasize what Cynthia had said about smoking and sex, the two women
enjoyed more cigarettes while they enjoyed each other, as they did every
chance that they got. In the deep moments of their passion, Maureen
fantasized about seeing Jennifer again.

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