Conformity, Part 3

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all characters in this story are pure fiction - similarities found 
with real people are pure coincidence. 

by Blackbladder

Part 3

Skye had reached the bus stop as the vehicle had just pulled away in 
front of her.  Shit, she thought.

As natural instinct now, she reached into her backpack and lit up 
again.  The hissing of the tobacco as she hungrily inhaled.  The 
glowing red tobacco leaves were the only light on this dark winters 
night from school.  She pondered how the week had gone so far.  She 
chuckled to herself the highlights of her first week at Haven High 

Skye had managed to convert the PTA to her cause and all were 
contributing effectively.  Through the PTA, all smoking bans on 
school premises had been lifted.  The rest of the teaching department 
had been in uproar to the controversial decision by the group.  
However, Skye had began today changing the minds and attitudes of the 
other teachers.  Soon, the smoking areas of the school would expand 
from just the small group of the PTA staff.  As she lifted her 
cigarette for another deep inhale, her mind came back to Pamela and 
her friends.  The abuse was getting worse - Pamela and Samantha had 
made a fool of her today by dressing up in Goth makeup and wearing 
black wigs.  Revenge was definately a key motivator to keep her 
mission continuing.  Soon, Pamela would become the outlaw of the 
school.  Eventually getting home, Skye made her way to the bedroom 
when her sister stopped her on the way up the staircase.

"Hey Skye, you're in deep shit!" Gemma sniggered.  The sisters never 
saw eye to eye.

"What have I done now?" Skye moaned.

Gemma replied "Dad threw a tantrum today as you left your hifi on 
before going to school today."

Skye breathed a sigh of relief for a moment as she feared her secret 
smoking habit had been discovered.  She pulled herself together to 
feign disappointment.

"Oh no.  I love my hifi.  Where is Dad now?" 

"He is out in the shed working on something.  He is spending more and 
more time in there now." 

Skye nodded, then trailed out towards the shed.  The light 
illuminated the garden path towards the small, wooden shed.  Dad had 
always been a keen inventor.  He made everything so he could make a 
bit more profit away from his day job.  Skye opened the shed door to 
an unexpected suprise.  

Patrick was inserting nuts and bolts into his latest invention, with 
a cigarette dangling from his lips!  Patrick looked bewildered as 
Skye stood there smiling evily.  

"Don't you say a word to your Mother about this!" Patrick muttered 
whilst putting out the cigarette in a make-shift ashtray.

"I won't Dad." Skye supressed the urge to laugh.  She now knew she 
was not alone in the family.  Her father's secret habit could now be 
used to her advantage.  

"You wanted to see me?" Skye asked.

"Yeh, young lady, if i ever catch that jukebox of yours playing 
loudly to an empty house again, I will ground you severely ok?" 
Patrick shouted.

How dare he? Skye thought.  I've just caught him smoking and he is 
making demands to me? I should make him think again.  Skye though 
fought the urge to use her black magic on her own family for now 
though.  She had bigger fish to fry.

Skye snuck back to her bedroom, setting her automatic alarm clock, 
hoping tommorrow would come very soon.  Another busy day in-store.

At school the following day, Skye was called immediately to the 
headteacher's office.  This was becoming a daily ritual as her 
friendship with Angela strengthened the whole time.  

Whilst lighting her first school cigarette with Angela, they began 
talking about their day's plans.

"We have a final portion of the teachers to convert.  Today, we will 
officially have all teaching and canteen staff all new smokers to our 
advantage." Skye said while exhaling.

"Yes, Skye anything you wish.  Also, today, i was planning on 
starting my meetings with the classes. I will need your assistance 
though......" Angela smiled happily whilst inhaling deep on her 
Marlboro Red.  As a single woman, this habit never affected anyone 
else in her life.  She and smoking seemed a match made in heaven.

As the two conspirors finished their cigarettes, they set themselves 
into their daily routines.

Today, Skye thought she would make an appointment with the anti-
bullying committee on her way to her next class.

The anti-bullying group had been around shortly after Haven High 
School had opned its doors 10 years ago.  The Government felt Haven 
badly needed a main school to teach its young to go on and have good 
careers.  Haven was a well-off community which had a lot to teach its 
fellow towns and cities.  The anti-bullying group had made a lot of 
success since starting - removing 90% of all bullies from the system 
and re-educating them elsewhere onto the popular Second Chance school 

Sitting in the waiting room, Skye picked up a promotional brochure 
from the sister Anti smoking group.  The headline read "Kick Butt!" 
and an image of a burning cigarette on the front cover intensified 
Skye's cravings.

"The group will see you now."

Skye walked into the room to be met by a panel of people - they 
ranged from popular pupils to responsible teachers in the faction.  
Some of the teachers sitting there had been recently converted by 
Skye and this meeting with the group had been anticipated.  Some of 
the teachers were eager to give the pupil a seat.

"So Skye, what is wrong lately?"

"Well, I have been getting problems from one certain girl in my 
class - Pamela Simpson."

One of the group members chuckled.

"The Pamela Simpson? But she is involved in many of the activities 
that this school runs like the anti-smoking and buddying groups.  Why 
do you think she is bullying you?"

"Because I am different from everyone else.  No-one seems to want to 
get to know me.  They mock how i look, and attack the principles i 
believe in." Skye said, prompting to her black mascara and pale face.

As the undercover, converted teachers made excuses to leave the room, 
the remainder continued interrogating Skye.

"Ok Skye, we will keep an eye on Pamela Simpson from now on.  But you 
can't keep wearing that makeup in Haven High.  I don't understand why 
Ms Gunn has not said anything yet........" the group chairman stated 
before being cut off by Skye.

"I know you will keep an eye on Pamela for me.  With regards to the 
make-up, the head has already approved much of anything I say.  Now 
it is time to ensure this group does its job." Skye said, her tone 
becoming more purposeful as she raised from her seat and approached 
the table of the committee.

The committee all gasped as Skye channelled her supernatural energy 
at the sitting members, pinning them to the table.  Skye smiled as 
she knew victory was hers.

Half an hour later, the committee and Skye exchanged handshakes 
before the Goth moved onto her next target.  An anti-bullying 
committee member decided to sneak out for her first smoke.

Meanwhile, Angela put the phone back down on the receiver and reached 
for her cigarettes.  Whilst dangling her now-lit cigarette, she 
removed Skye's file from her cabinet.  The smoke made her eyes 
squint, but now this dangling technique had become second nature as 
she was growing more used to smoking.  Her attitude on the habit had 
been totally converted thanks to this new pupil.  Even though some 
mystery still surrounded Skye's background, it no longer seemed 
important to Angela.  As commanded, the headteacher walked over to 
the paper shredder and destroyed the file on Skye Henderson.  

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