Stairs, Part 6

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Part 6 - Fourth Training

"Hope it works, Mum," she replied, a little grumpily. "Time for homework,"
announced mum, and with a gentle smile "Here's a cigarette for the stairs to
help you get started." After finishing her homework Suzy opened her fourth
training pack of Player's and marked it accordingly: S.  4th Training
Later they ate, they smoked, they talked, they smoked, they watched TV, they
smoked some more, until it was time for Suzy's last cigarette of the day. She
smoked it with relish, counting her day's total of 21 unfiltered Player's
cigarettes, every deep draw a pleasure, and already looking forward to her
first cigarette of tomorrow.

Thursday saw Suzy come down to an empty kitchen. No mum, no tea. But there at
least were her packet of Player's and lighter ready for her on the snug
table. She lit one straight away, taking a long double pump for her first
draws of the day. Another long draw and she could concentrate, deciding to
get the tea on and check on mum. Mum, meanwhile, had decided to have a third
cigarette before getting up and had lain in bed for an extra ten minutes.
Pamela knew this manuvre would put time pressure on Suzy to smoke all her
precious morning cigarettes: she expected it would move her pace up a notch.

Suzy appeared at the bottom of the stairs just as mum had inhaled another
deep drag and started down. 

"Morning, hon. I know we're late - must be slow off the mark today. We'll
have to rush a bit." 

Suzy took a deep inhale off her Player's.

"It's OK, Mum. The tea's about brewed by now. I'll bring mugs up for us."

"That's great, thanks hon." Suzy finished her ciggy, poured the teas, lit a
second ciggy and took herself off upstairs, inhaling strongly and often from
her cigarette. Even if she had to rush, she could still enjoy a `dressing
cigarette.' Down first again, Suzy bolted her cereal and toast so that she
would still be able to smoke two cigarettes after breakfast. She knew the
schoolday would be agony towards the end and so could not afford to miss out
any of her cigarettes beforehand.

They still left five minutes later than usual and they both felt they could
finally smoke a relaxed cigarette on the journey. It was not to be. The
traffic was a disaster and they slowed to a crawl. Ten minutes later they
looked at each other then both reached for mum's Player's packet at the same
time. Mum won, but of course offered a further cigarette to Suzy, for it
would have to hold her for the rest of the day.

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